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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Steel Shank

  1. Well there it is /gif (I'm a no gif embedding suckass fool)
  2. They had pillow fights the other day. With a ring and everything.
  3. "Improvements" to Barton Springs Road. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/barton-springs-road-1-year-safety-pilot-slated-for-late-fall-launch/
  4. I'm going to dress up like a rapper and sneak in. Maybe sing a few songs.
  5. Are we doing this? Are we doing our best? That is what I was initially asking.
  6. How about this: Is there more we can be doing to help prevent these attacks?
  7. Do you believe we are doing everything possible to prevent these types of attacks?
  8. Dude knew his Longhorns like no other. Hook 'Em, Bill.
  9. I'm curios of Del City was named after the incomparable Del Reeves?
  10. I'll do you a solid and try and record tonight. Will post afterward. You're welcome.
  11. I buried a line last night. A seed transmission line.
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