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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Steel Shank

  1. Pot of beans. Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?
  2. aight You old-timers remember when the DPS had a small office just north of the Capitol that was there for the convenience of the politicos? I remember walking in (no appt.) and there were three clerks just standing there and they all said, "May I help you?" I picked the hottest chick and got down to the business at hand, right there at the counter.
  3. He lay a bunch of pipe or something?
  4. Prepare thy anus. Last time I had to renew, I took my son to Lockhart. He (we) got to check out the cool County Courthouse. We were in and out in ten minutes. We then went across the street to this really cool toy store, then we hit Smitty's.
  5. I've got a little sunshine Anita can put her lips around.
  6. I'm just now aware of the term "Clemsoning". Dabo seems like a little bitch.
  7. This smells a lot like the City of Austin and the South Terminal fiasco.
  8. Sure. Plus, you'll get bonus data on injuries sustained to the top of the head (headboards, walls, etc.).
  9. If your women are running a little hot, let me know and I'll make a run up there and "address" things. You know, for old time sakes.
  10. Couldn't be more than two or three days.
  11. As I was making myself a taco, I noticed my wife left some uneaten fries on the counter.
  12. You mouth off like that in Cawker City, and you will FAFO.
  13. Ha! I've been there. We drove up to Lincoln for the game where it started snowing in the second half. We were playing in Lubbock the next week so we figured we'd hit that one too. On the way to the Hub City, we decided to check out the world's largest ball of twine. I admit, I had never seen a ball of twine that big before - or since. /very csb
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