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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. So, I think it's fate. There is a truck I'm thinking of buying in McKinney. I was upset about the drive. Then realized Astros are playing in Arlington. I think it's a sign
  2. One of these days I'm going to learn to actually play my beautiful guitar that you fucks made me buy because I couldn't stop looking at this thread
  3. I have never been able to buy into futures bets. Love the aspect of winning and losing (preferably more of the former) in a more time efficient manner
  4. This is a common refrain, but it's about conditioning with MDA. He's talked about it a lot. That's fine here and there, but you can't ask these guys to play no minutes for 3 weeks then to drop 40 on them. It's part of why we went from top 5 in pace to dead last. It was a way to rest while still getting in game action
  5. I had to blow the picture up. Subtle, very subtle
  6. I looked at that thing and said "fuck that", feels great to have a decision validated
  7. We basically offered Ryan Anderson and said take it or leave it. I would be okay either way. I think Carmelo would have been fine here, even though I'm pretty happy he didn't come
  8. I've loved my X. The face unlock is so easy to get used to. Anytime I use my son's ipad or their iphones it's a pain in the ass. Looking forward to it being an even bigger form factor
  9. This is something I think we can all agree on
  10. I hear Toys R Us has some sales going on
  11. It's not, but I think Green just has to do what he can control and it will work itself out. His quick trigger and zero hesitation is basically Moreyball at it's finest
  12. My wife was out of town, I assure you that you don't want that picture of my fat ass alone in the hot tub
  13. We had the Xbox One, and the 360 and the Xbox before it. Finally move back to PS because of MLB the Show. Had both for a year and we never played the Xbox
  14. COYS! And fuck the international break
  15. I was reading Olney said that we led in staff ERA, that's way more important and impressive
  16. ^^^ This is why we can't have nice things
  17. Fisher just continually showing what a petty little bitch he is. Nothing new here
  18. Does it make you more likely or less likely to get beaten by the police?
  19. Don't pretend like you don't click it daily for the lulz
  20. In honor of the restart I just watched all the runs in game 5 again
  21. I asked this last week on another thread, but I'm in the market for a 16 or 17 King Ranch or Platinum 4X4. Any advice or things to look out for? Looking to buy over the next few weeks
  22. I don't see any Bert's in that hut
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