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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. Sometimes you have to just laugh at stuff like that. My wife is exactly like this. It's just one of her quirks. She doesn't mean to be like that, just doesn't have that type of thinking in her. She has many great qualities that offset it. Used to be asshole me would just get pissed at someone for it. Now I really try and just laugh and do it myself, or even better: Give her specific instructions on what I need from her. That has gone a long way and she appreciates it. Her thoughts in a situation like this would be: "I don't know where I'm going to put this stuff long term, so let me just get it out of your way so you can put the tree there" And that's not really wrong, it's just different than my brain which would say: Don't put a plant that you water on top of some electronics, also you know it can't go there so find a temp home for it that we won't be agitated that it's there still if we don't move it right away
  2. That made me genuinely laugh out loud
  3. Hasn't poor Lorrie Morgan been through enough??
  4. Yes, you can also turn individual lights off in case it's not a perfect alignment. They come with a few 10 foot extensions in each box
  5. Every event we have I wash all the dishes as we go. We both share cooking duties. My wife makes a crazy mess when she cooks, I do not. But then she feels guilty and tries to "help". Narrator: It isn't helpful While I'm washing things in the sink, she likes to start loading everything on top of what I'm washing, or in a way I can't wash something. Mind you I've cleared the sink out and all the dirty stuff is clearly piled up next to it. I've asked her about 10000 times to just walk away and let me do it. She does for 2 or 3 minutes, then is back at it. It's literally the least helpful she possibly could be during that time. Yet she still can't help herself. Every. Single. Time. But I'M the asshole for snapping at her for not listening.
  6. I have eufy/anker stuff from 10 years ago at this point. Hoping they hold up well.
  7. I had Trimlight on my last house. Loved them. But just couldn't pull the trigger a second time. Ended up doing my own with the new Eufy lights (basically the same as Govee). They don't have the channel, but look every bit as good. You just can see them if you happen to look straight up on my two story house. They are white, but blend in for the most part. It's certainly not as nice as the trimlight or others when it's light outside, but at night they are pretty much perfect. I also was able to do the entire 4000 sq ft house, front, back, peaks, detached garage etc for about $800 vs the 6K for just the front of my last house. Do have to say I didn't enjoy being on a 25 or the 30 foot ladder at the top that much, but at least it's done.
  8. Met him at spring training in around 1993, he was PISSED that I had the audacity to ask him for an autograph lol I was 15 and he didn't think I actually knew who he was. Despite being the only one that asked him. Lived up to his rep, most kids would have been upset, I was impressed. He did still sign it for me. That ball has Bagwell, Biggio, Caminiti, Kyle, Reynolds, Luis Gonzalez, Jose Cruz, Cedeno, and a few others on it. It's also beat to hell because my brother decide to go Sandlot on it haha
  9. That's an easy one. "No problem babe, just tell me right before you need it and I'll reinstall" and nothing will ever happen
  10. The "Trout is always injured" narrative obviously has merit. But I also think that if the Angels had any shot at the playoffs he would have pretty much played through all of them and been fine. The Angels just knew they couldn't, so why take the risk of him really getting hurt?
  11. Because you haven't taken it off yet. Duh. Seems like you have a 5 minute chore this evening. Then see how long it takes her to notice it's gone
  12. I'm honestly scared they will try and make Ausmus bench coach. Hoping he has too much pride to accept that. Don't want Bagwell having that much influence in the dugout. I actually am cool with him having some level of front office influence. Just need to keep it in the proper vertical for him
  13. Correct hire, and really the only correct one available. He has the trust of the clubhouse and has earned the shot. Should have gotten it this year
  14. I agree with you. Though somewhere between 5 and 10% of the hall wasn't as good of a player as Lance.
  15. We just going to ignore that somehow we couldn't find a place for that guy at Texas despite his desire to come here? Just crazy. Lance was sneaky athletic for a guy that looks a lot closer to Kruk than Acuna
  16. Uhh, have you cheated on her before or something? Or just woman brain going to the worst possible scenario??
  17. Figured it out. It was when he lied that he had never met Clanton. And I said: Doubling down on lying is never a good idea man. You know damn well you know him just like all other Astros fans/media do. Just stop. You were wrong, it was dumb, move on That got me blocked ahahahahahahaha
  18. Given I've never been blocked by anyone, and I don't remember what he said or I said, but apparently someone that is Charmin soft o
  19. https://www.mlb.com/news/astros-begin-interviewing-for-manager-position Looks like they are actually beginning interviews. Espada first I like the point McTaggert makes, that this is Brown's first chance to ever interview managers. It's wise to let him go through a full process. Even if Espada is the guy already. Which is almost definitely is.
  20. Well Major League Managers care. A lot actually. And it's a business at the end of the day. I'm not saying I agree with it. Not even a little bit. At least not bringing him in the next inning. And Greinke should have stayed in. But that's still what happened
  21. Seriously man, it's like it's willful at this point. That article even said "Gerrit Cole and AJ Hinch had agreed on some rules for how he would be used in Game 7. He wasn’t coming in in the middle of the inning and wasn’t pitching if they didn’t have the lead. Cole warmed up on his own earlier in the game." They agreed on the rules before the game. Cole warmed himself up. In case it's unclear, like it is in that article, those were the rules Cole put in place according to everyone I've ever heard from the Astros team and behind the scenes from the media guys I know. The "writer" in that article graduated from Iowa State in 2019. He's effectively a blogger. And while I started and ran The Dream Shake for almost a decade, I totally get that some writers/bloggers have more access than others. Sean had no access, he wasn't even on an Astros site at the time. He's a Cubs fan and blogger. Basically you quoted bleacher report here and a guy put an opinion out. It has been proven many times to be incorrect. The only person Cole has to be pissed at is himself. Also, it was the wrong move and everyone would have lit AJ up if he did that and it failed. He was on less than 2 days rest at that point. That just about never goes well. Your dominant lock them down reliever? That usually goes okay. It didn't this time. Your narrative is incorrect.
  22. Jeebus man, it's called reading comprehension. Just actually read what was written and you will understand what was stated. Cole did NOT want to be in the game. AJ knew that. He was personally told. Cole told EVERYONE. So putting a guy in whose head was not in it and was on short rest was a serious role of the dice. Will Harris and his absolutely dominant season was not a role of the dice. It was the odds on favorite best move. Now not putting Cole in during the clean inning? That's on AJ.
  23. Seems like you didn't read anything I just wrote. It absolutely wasn't as simple as that. Why are you quoting "the book" I didn't say anything about the book. In fact the book would say pitch Harris there. What should have happened is Grienke stays in. Cole was never, ever coming in there.
  24. The narrative that exists on this is so silly and just factually doesn't take into account all the issues. If anyone wants to say that Hinch should have left Grienke in, I'm all ears, but he had proven all year that wasn't the best idea, despite my belief that was still the answer. But Cole coming in was not really a wise option for Hinch because there were tons of factors involved: 1. Cole was on short rest 2. Cole specifically said he did not want to come in mid inning 3. Cole was a FA after the year, and the Astros did want to resign him. So going against his wishes was a bad idea. It was a horrible idea if they did it and he blew up. 4. Will Harris was absolute filthy that year. And threw an absolutely perfect pitch, that somehow Kendrick connected on. I doubt anyone can find a time all year that pitch was thrown that it wasn't a positive for the Astros. He had a 0.00 era in the previous rounds. And the same through the first 2 games he pitched. He was tired, but he was still the best non-Cole option by a million miles.
  25. I've been saying that about Bagwell all along. No one I know that has any intimate knowledge of the Astros thinks he's even close to "in charge" or a "decision maker". He's an adviser, and frankly is not as anti analytics as people try and act like he is. And that's exactly my Espada concern. I think he'll be fine. My guess is that teams felt his heart wasn't in losing the opportunity to take over for Dusty. But that's just a hunch and hope.
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