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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Pretty sure it's M3. We are seeing long lead times right now across all lines for pretty much anything custom. Which is historically typical for an impending refresh.
  2. So, I won again in Vamp. Who would you take for the rest of the season? Bijan Jacobs Addison Burrow I have Chase and CMC from previous wins.
  3. Making 2 pots for the game this afternoon. Doing some experimenting. 1 pot will be all smoked brisket, 1 pot will be my normal mix of cubes and ground ribeye. I use the @Snow Dog recipe from the old site, and just got all my dumps measured out so i can get cooking around lunch.
  4. It was in Cyrillic so I have no idea. I assume spammer.
  5. @immamac I reported the post, but looks like Guests are still able to post. See:
  6. First, I'm pretty stunned it took them so long to think of this. Second, anyone know of a cheaper knockoff that works? This is actually pretty genius addition to a camping kit. No way I'm paying $25 for it, but surely there is a much cheaper alternative.
  7. It could be worse. Guy in my league stacked Fields and Moore. 83 points on TNF.
  8. Never heard of Finch Knife Co before, but that is a beautiful knife. Be curious to see how it holds up long term.
  9. My brother who went to TXST just sent this to me. He and I are the only ones in our fam that didn't go to Tech. This has to happen for the sheer comedy it will bring me over the holidays.
  10. I had to do the same with my truck with the new hub. Here is what I have. https://www.amazon.com/CarlinKit-Wireless-CarPlay-Connection-2016-2023/dp/B0C49Y1F6Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1Y2AOKDY4UPK8&keywords=Carlinkit&psr=EY17&qid=1695761659&s=todays-deals&sprefix=carlinkit%2Ctodays-deals%2C89&sr=1-4&th=1
  11. What truck? There are plentiful Wireless CarPlay adapters you can plug into your truck, that act as the receiver, in place of the cable, for your entertainment system. I have a 2016 F150, and use a cheap CarLinkIt from Amazon. Its fantastic. My phone never leaves my pocket, and CarPlay for everything instead of Sync. I have had zero issues with the Always on screen. No excess battery drain, no accidental button presses. I thought I would hate it, but I actually quite like it.
  12. Great. Grand. WONDERFUL. Says the guy going on a cruise in 2 weeks. Just got my updated booster and a flu shot. Here's hoping it helps.
  13. It’s my watering day, so I’m doing my part. Maybe I’ll go grab a carwash too.
  14. We have at least one Pharmacist on the board, but his screename is escaping me at the moment, or I'd tag him.
  15. Well you either fixed it or its being intermittent
  16. @immamac Having the weird Activity stream issue again where it is showing reactions but no new posts for 5 hours again.
  17. While true, Swift had .8 points in week one. And in that offense with so many options, my concern is it will be feast or famine to the extreme. Especially, because with Hurts, he's not even the primary goal line guy.
  18. Man, I love me some Waller, but that offense in NY stinks. Who are they playing this week? I have subbed out Henry for Laporta this week, so expect Henry to go off again.
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