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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Not if this fella still has it:
  2. The pre-produced shit is the worst. Does anyone laugh at an old symphony tune with Tom Gribbles voice trying to hit each note (and failing)? Or how about the poor bastard that had to cut tape until he had Bill Parcells saying every word in "Everybody Hurts" and then put the whole song together. It's so fucking stupid.
  3. Check out this print. Dallas photographer buddy is a wiz with city/landscapes. https://www.justinterveen.com/Weather/i-Z7g722K
  4. Usually I think the songs are the worst thing they do on the station, but I had to applaud Dan and Julie yesterday.
  5. And she's just a talking head. But it's totally fine when the "leader of the free world" sneaks the work "dick" into a tweet several times like a fucking sixth grade dipshit.
  6. He set me up like a pro. Lamb to slaughter. It did. Then I kissed him on the head and told him how proud I was.
  7. First let me preface by saying that we allow our kids a little latitude when it comes to things they can get away with saying at home, or when it's just the four of us around. We don't allow cursing per se, but a little inappropriate isn't going to get them killed. So with our busy schedules and all the rain this year, it's the last Thursday before closing weekend when we finally find a day we can make it to the fair (something we do every year, no exceptions). Well it's obviously rush hour before we can go on a weekday, so it's a huge pain in the ass trying to meet the wife and kids, with me coming from downtown and them coming from up north. So by the time we meet up in Fair Park, the wife and I are both frazzled. So we park and get out, make sure we have coats, tickets, money, phones, etc, and all the valuables are covered, and cars are locked. Exhale and start walking over to the fair (we always park at the church behind Auto Zone/JITB on Robert B Cullum or whatever that street is. Well we get all the way to the light, and my 7 yo son (who's notorious for forgetting stuff) goes "Dad, I think we forgot something." I of course say, "Are you kidding me? What???" Him: "DEEZ NUTS!"
  8. Yeah, I would trade places with those guys in a heartbeat when it comes to eating.
  9. That show is awesome. He seems like a genuinely good dude.
  10. Apologies for the shitty pic, but Grimaldi's pesto pizza is one of my favorite things to eat, anywhere. Give me that over any neapolitan slice in town about 95/100 times, but I'm a NY style guy.
  11. ...and if I catch you in here with that again...I will confiscate it.
  12. If the roles had been reversed there they would have called a flagrant foul on Luka. Hyperbole obv, but you do that to Harden and he's getting the call 100/100. I was listening to Skin talk about him the other day. Talked about how confused he is that he's getting the rookie treatment from officials when he's been the best player in the second best league in the world for multiple years.
  13. Yeah that's totally what he should be doing with his time. He should have to pay back money for every minute he spent on that.
  14. I worked at the one in Lubbock for a while. The son of one of the Rockwall owners started it. I read up on him a while back and he was doing a bit for running guns and meth out of another location he'd opened in Longview.
  15. He was getting used well before that shirt was created.
  16. Anyone wants to teach my stupid ass how to post tweets I'm all ears.
  17. https://twitter.com/Stevey_George/status/1066882037959712769
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