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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. That is wild. My mother went to high school with Janis Joplin and we sold the last family property in Groves a couple years ago after my grandmother died. My co-worker told me about his family business a few years ago but we never talked about it again. We went into quarantine 6 months later. I think Kelli might be his sister. Age lines up and first name also starts with K. Just spitballin' though.
  2. Is Sartin's closed? I worked with a guy from the family at my last job. Seems to be some drama in the news that I had no idea about.
  3. That shopping center is my jam so this literally hits close to him. That's amazeballs. It that real?
  4. I was unaware until now that Jina payed us tens of billions in tariffs.
  5. Just came here to post this. Trump immediately started saying 75m and everybody just ran with it.
  6. He got 74.2mil votes. I know it's pedantic but fuck everything he says.
  7. Pretty good deal on texas gun trader for a decked out one of these today.
  8. Yeah shitty take by Leach. But he probably has not seen the footage and thinks it's just another skirmish. If the Cloak Room gets boring in coming weeks this will give me something to be outraged about! That said there needs to be some serious repercussions.
  9. Also working from home earlier (company went under a month ago) I've made a habit of turning on Fox news this year to see what is going on there. I felt it was important to see the only news some of my relatives were getting. I will flip back and forth between Fox and CNN. Is it my imagination, or did Fox really dial up the pro-Trump shit around election week? Like they sensed the OANN and Newsmax challenge. To me it was very pronounced and they have maintained that course. Conversely, CNN seemed like a lot of the year they were trying to give lip service to the right nutbars sometimes but seem to have taken the gloves off now. Calling a spade a spade. I can't bring myself to leave Fox on for more than a minute now as it makes me too ragey.
  10. Had an uncle that was diagnosed with early and very treatable throat cancer in early middle age. Not a tobacco user. Decided that he would forego treatment and go with God's will. He found out. That was twenty years ago and I am more angry today than ever that he put my aunt and the rest of his family through that.
  11. Please don't tell me you think that's a relevant thing.
  12. If it comes to that I also aim to misbehave.
  13. I'm not going to go back and read the last 24 hours but I would like some more Trump supporters in this discussion and not banned. I hate going to read shit on Texags and Tigerdroppings as I soon find myself drinking the cheap scotch on a dirty linoleum floor.
  14. Enough of an opening but I don't think this director is crass enough to do something that idiotic. (checks year...fuck) The soundtrack is good. I noticed the out-of-kilter balance but they edit the sound for the tonality desired with butts in seats which affects dampening in a theater. Saw it tonight and there were three people in the theater including me. I liked it, but I like Nolan in general and Inception is one of my favorite movies of all time.
  15. Semi-auto ARs currently available to the public are very effective in doing what they are designed to do. That's the mode the average Joe uses engaged when deployed I would guess 90%+ of the time. Full auto has a myriad of disadvantages Hollywood does not illustrate. I enjoy popping off rounds with my AR and my embarrassingly bad groupings. But we have a serious gun violence problem, and I don't blame someone who looks to do something about it. I blame the 2nd Amendment ignorant fucksticks who couldn't be bothered to enact common sense measures to curtail the mass murders. You know, like every other first world country.
  16. I've read some about how folks are dealing with Trumpkin relatives, and I can relate, as I have a lot. I have been quiet overall with them. But I am starting to feel like I am taking the easy way out by not calling them out. I don't mind becoming a family pariah but I also don't want to inadvertently hinder getting that babydick out of office. I would like to hear successful strategies. More than anything I am working to make sure people vote. Everybody grab somebody.
  17. On the subject of the Hispanic vote I completely believe it is over 15% for Trump. It is probably closer to 25%. I was incredulous to this idea 3+ years ago but I get it now. The single issue Catholic anti-abortion vote is a lot of it of course. But a good deal can be explained by a simple analogy: Upon passing the bar, new lawyers overwhelming agree there are too many lawyers. This is not unique to Hispanic immigrants, documented or not, even several generations in. A few nights ago I had a CNN show on in the background and new Syrian immigrants, now citizens, very much supported Trump. They felt they have persevered and their hard work had paid off. This is undoubtedly true. They viewed Trump and Republicans as the face of the American dream and those that have not achieved are undesirable, and competition is not welcome.
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