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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. YGIFS you are scary. Also I would like to join you on the POG (Pissing On Graves) tour. We'll hit Trump, Limbaugh...third to be determined.
  2. 100% This is another manufactured crisis because they don't have a real agenda. Had a HH with some former coworkers yesterday and one of them started spouting off about how we're turning all 5 year olds into another gender. I don't engage. She's considerably older and will die first.
  3. What is the current best way to get a NAFO fella avatar?
  4. If after a further round of negotiations the rachists do not agree again to the peaceful transfer of foodstuffs avoiding mass starvation, we put a carrier group in the eastern Med and declare a no-fly zone over the Black Sea. ASW operations as needed. Tip jar at a bar last night:
  5. This one in particular pisses me off. I first saw it in the opening of HBO's "John Adams" and become interested in the history and it's relationship to John Locke's Second Treatise of government. I started wearing a hat with this emblem several years ago as I considered it a repudiation of Trump's increasing authoritarianism. I was very irritated on Jan 6 when some friends told me I should stop wearing it as it's been co-opted. Why should I stop wearing it? They're the ones that suck. I only occasionally wear it now. Can't wait until some mouth-breather gives me a Trump thumbs up. We are going to have a serious disagreement.
  6. No way of knowing. Nothing seems to stand out.
  7. Lol I was catching up on this thread this morning and came across my own post. I don't even remember making it. Careful friends; Ambien and red wine do not mix. (YMMV) But seriously you should at least make him binge watch "Emily in Paris" or something
  8. Well his father lives in Dallas and coming down with his other boys. Also my mother and sisters all live here in Austin so it's gonna be hoot. Also, csb, he does his version of the horns when scores as an homage to UT. /csb
  9. So did you stab him in his windpipe with a deconstructed pen and quietly expel his remaining breath by immobilizing his diaghram? Out of curiosity. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. My nephew and some of his mates from down under are going to the game. They are pro Footy players. (I've been pushing the Longhorn punter angle for years) Figure we'd stop by. Happy to bring some foods/drinks...
  11. Walser

    Vivid Dreams

    Jesus man. I would be quite irritated. Glad I randomly found this thread. I don’t feel so bad about my Ambien misadventures. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. This is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen on this site. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. That was a risk we were willing to take. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. So it is becoming increasingly obvious we have little need for a large armored force. Growing up in the 80's, Red Dawn scared me to death. But the US mainland is superbly naturally defensible, invasion is ludicrous, and it appears Europe can take care of itself. Let's un-mothball M1A1s and get them to the Ukraine.
  15. I didn't have an opinion on Snowden because I don't know enough about the whole thing. But the fact that Matt Gaetz is for a pardon tells me all I need to know.
  16. I’ve never placed a sports bet. Is this something I should get into?
  17. "it isn't raining right now, so it'll never rain." I get those feels.
  18. No, it's not a jab, it's just an impotent attempt at one. And we get that you have no empathy or self-awareness, tough guy. We just need to get the gang-bangers into Thunderdome so there's no way this violence affects the rest of us. I enjoy my guns but I admit we have a gun problem.
  19. Which bullshit? Please be more specific. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Well I may shop around! Also, regarding your precious attempt at a jab, I could give two fucks about the money, really. We have a fucking gun problem and you and your ilk need to wake the fuck up.
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