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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. Dude Asian (american)please. If someone calls me occidental one more time...
  2. What about going around it? Give it the Rabaul treatment?
  3. Was that the only time Santa would approve your PTO? You'd think at 420 it would be the highest bar in the world. Also pretty sure the Surl is the lowest bar.
  4. You are a better man/woman than me. I am very close in age and took a bit longer to fully realize the Republican farce. Fuck me.
  5. I think it was supercharged...so a gasser. With some aftermarket extras. Looked pretty goofy...but Ohio.
  6. Your lack of understanding is quite evident.
  7. Weak "gotcha". In addition, that "news" site historically gets a failing grade in: Gathers and reports information responsibly Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly Clearly labels advertising You are not helping your cause.
  8. Have the Ukes fully recaptured Robotyne? If not, Admiral Hunter reporting with his 3rd cup. Gloval went out the airlock.
  9. My 10base2 almost went full-duplex
  10. Rough 20. I bought a Toyota in Alvin once so this hits about 8 miles from home.
  11. Whenever I hear Silsbee all I can think of is Patrick Hudson. grrrr
  12. I'm lucky I guess. My olds (boomers) have gotten quiet about Trump and don't say anything at get togethers. I don't either. I think they realize they have been conned in the most humiliating way but aren't ready to find out. Like everyone (including me) it is difficult to fully admit you were wrong. ...and they will hold their nose and vote for whomever is the R anyway.
  13. Finally getting an idea of what 'blyat" means and the usage. Need a primer up in these parts. Anybody know what a "CB" or "RPM" is?
  14. The King Cyrus angle is the one my aunt goes with, but she mixes in some Bible numerology as well. So among some "Christians" there are two camps: 1) Those who are such idiots to think that the dotard is actually a devout Christian, and 2) Those who recognize he's a bad person but believe God is using him as his tool Either way, they can justify voting for him.
  15. Fapping furiously. When someone slaps you in the face with something so egregious it doesn't matter if there was a UAP in the background.
  16. The copter is the menace? You see the bald, nekid middle-aged fuck filming it? You do, right?
  17. What a POS jeep. Maybe I am being redundant.
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