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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. Lol I own this shirt. However I've been too much of a pussy to wear it out yet.
  2. Is there an interview you can recommend? j/k Coming back across the pond yesterday I got halfway through "Imperium". Many thanks to you smart guys for the recommendation. I often have some support-for-Ukraine item on my person...shirt, ballcap, wristband, etc. Was wondering if I would get any flak from a traveling Orc...but nah. However, 30 minutes after landing at Heathrow our shuttle driver said he liked my hat and told me he was Ukrainian. I was a little surprised at the lack of Ukraine-supporting paraphernalia. Last year at the same time, when in Munich, there was a protest parade, and many signs. Saw nothing this year. The curbing at Le Mans was blue and yellow, so I just kept telling myself that was a sign of solidarity. P.S. The Eurofighter flyovers were amazing. Afterburner over the grid. A couple little boys starting crying and clutching their father's leg. I can't imagine getting away with that spectacle in the states. Made us decide to go see an airshow next!
  3. I have not caught it. I was careful at first and got all the pricks. But I've also been all over the country and world and so far so good. Now that I'm being haughty I'll likely get it before Le Mans.
  4. So much time spent bootstrapping routers/switches with these things...I definitely have a couple lying around that I will hang onto as a break glass option. This isn't the cool or funny story you are looking for.
  5. Nice! I've asked some to make me one, but alas, no luck so far. I'm sure I am just doing it wrong. I guess I could just not be lazy and make my own. But I'm pretty lazy.
  6. This is not going to end well for you.
  7. You have are now supposing correctly.
  8. @fattyflattie You are wrong and a bad person. I do not want you banned because I want everyone to know.
  9. My ACOG is dialed in. I can't believe we allow this shit. Got anotha pack in the cah Elwood.
  10. Why is the reward for the Cleveland shooter only $80k? Don't answer that. I don't know what the right number is but it should be a lot higher.
  11. As a kid we used to wait outside the Astrodome near the team parking lot to try to get autographs. One Sunday after a noon game we were cajoling Yogi but he said he had to get home before his bedtime. /csb
  12. Yeah, there is no taking it back. I understand the feels and I feel the same sometimes. I like 956 and really appreciate a LOT of his posts.
  13. I'm really hoping that was sarcastic. I have many guns. They sit in a safe that is bolted to the foundation a vast majority of the time. I also carry. You could literally have a dude walk brazenly into my house, grab a TV and walk out while I am fingering my 12 gauge. I wouldn't shoot him. Because a $1k TV is not worth the cost of retaining representation. $10k or $15k for a no bill I imagine. Am I angry? Sure. But it's just stuff.
  14. Username does not check out
  15. I might have done a few poorly thought out reactions as a teenager. Dammit I love this reply. I would not do that now. I would be annoyed, but it's just a car.
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