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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. Maybe the banging was just the sound of a squid eating Haymish
  2. So now what? Since they can’t got get them, do they just wait until the banging stops Thursday to confirm it was them?
  3. Neither are the 5 people that got crushed in a beer can the other day.
  4. Seems appropriate to bring Dolemite in for support.
  5. So his highness or majesty or whatever he is Charles has demanded to be kept up to speed. What the fuck is he going to do about it?
  6. Pom squad, those asses would make nice pillows!
  7. I would imagine the Surly collective (myself included) could put together a list of stupid shit we’ve done that would rival any group of people in the history of the world. Pretty bad judgement for the sub-goers when all of Surly would have told them it was not a good idea.
  8. So they can’t even see the Titanic out of that porthole window? If that’s the case, then this is even stupider than I thought.
  9. He would have if this half ass submarine company hadn’t bragged about being connected to his satellites.
  10. I also wonder how you would haul around 13,000 ft of cable that is strong enough to support 23,000 lbs.
  11. They should have named the Ohio class sub after a better state. That sub is a bad motherfucker, it deserves better.
  12. There’s not a black person on earth that is dumb enough to get in that homemade jalopy of a sub even if you paid them to go.
  13. I guess they would still be fucked chickens since the hatch is bolted on from the outside. Imagine if you somehow float up to the surface and then still suffocate.
  14. Sounds like these people upgraded to the full experience package where you get to meet actual Titanic victims.
  15. I guess he’s thinking that he can reach Trumps rednecks through Twitter. I’m guessing they have enough attention to read some shit talk in a 140 character post from Trump, but not enough to listen to that stupid announcement.
  16. So who gets to tell all the Surly drunks the bar is closed at 7:00?
  17. If we’re able to pick and choose, just give me another VY.
  18. I’m a retired age grouper. 70.3 was my favorite distance because it was long enough to beat my friends that were faster than me (but raced stupid), and I could be done with the race before lunch/beer time. I have 25 70.3 medals sitting in my shoebox in the closet from 2011-2018. Also a shit ton of marathons, half’s, bike races and one IMTX. The wear and tear on my body, age, and kids eventually made it too hard to keep going. Enjoy it while you can do it, I’m glad I did!
  19. It was in the article. But I agree with your comment on red flags 100%
  20. I wasn’t, but I’m glad they locked his ass up. I’m so sick of this extreme right wing bullshit.
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