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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. That’s seriously how they think the world works. “Oh but we’re the Republicans!!!”
  2. Gotta love those law and order people pretending to know what law and/or order even is.
  3. Dershowitz has never done anything in his life that even remotely comes close to “help bring about peace in the Middle East.” He claims that Arthur Goldberg consulted with him during the authoring of UN 242, though there’s no reason to believe he contributed anything meaningful (in fact when Finkelstein pressed him, he couldn’t even recall the fucking name of the British Ambassador that co-authored it). It really doesn’t help that his other “contributions” include plagiarizing large chunks of Joan Peters’ fraudulent From Time Immemorial, yet he points to that book as a significant stemp to peace. How? When he wasn’t stealing from a hoax and when he wasn’t reflexively blaming the Palestinians for everything, he was also falsifying Israel’s human rights record in the Occupied Territories. The truth is that not only has what Dershowitz done throughout his career not at all conducive to peace in the Middle East, what little he has done has been extremely harmful and counterproductive to those ends. He asserts Larry’s jokes as being “bad,” as if that were a matter of fact, and it’s simply not. He uses the word “while” as if the timing of those two things go together. Larry David’s career spans from 1980 to now. So even if we’re to grant his premise that he “had input” in 242, he can’t use that because that was in 1967 when Larry was working on his bachelors in history at Maryland. So Alan wasn’t really involved in “trying to bring peace in the Middle East” at any point in his life, Larry David can hardly be accused of writing bad jokes, and even if he could, he certainly wasn’t doing it in 1967. Plus, everything Dershowitz has done since 1967 has been to produce self-serving and insipid drivel (that real academics tear apart on the regular) while Larry David had been writing award-winning TV shows. That’s at least 5 lies in 17 words. Par for the course for Ole Al.
  4. At least this asshole hates the NFL and Texans, although I don't get his hate for Persians.... Just trying to distance himself from himself
  5. You have self-control? That’s a very Icono thing to do: make a random-assed, unprovoked comment about me and the spread offense every so often. self-control my ass.
  6. Hey fuck you, im not interested in governor Dan Patrick.
  7. Oh not even that. Just blatantly dishonest shit that they admitted in internal records like “we found a cache of Soviet marked weapons in Guatemala”, or “Mossadegh is a Russian puppet that’s sympathetic to the Tudeh Party.” There’s differences in how one defines an ideology, and there’s making shit up.
  8. Well it doesn’t end there, but it does end with their supreme talent of being able to convince the population of admitted horseshit.
  9. Iran and Mossadegh. But do you want to know what all those have in common?
  10. That’s not revisionist history. That was what was being reported even at the time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2001/oct/14/afghanistan.terrorism5 That article is from 7 days after the bombing began.
  11. This is exactly where I am. Suppose that it was a total fluke of nature originating at the wet market. Suppose that it was a deliberately engineered government project that was intended to be unleashed on the world exactly as it happened. What difference does it make? What are we supposed to do differently now that we know option A/B is correct when we originally thought B/A was correct?
  12. He said transgender, not transspecies.
  13. I'm fine with that as long as you leave CC/PA the hell out of that.
  14. That fraud would say something like that and absolutely pat himself on the back for it like he always does. He would do that because he’s conditioned himself to easily confuse relentless and profuse public mockery for “fear” because that’s what he has to tell himself constantly when he’s getting exposed. When Hitchens was holding the microscope to his little peepee on the subject of religion and everyone laughed, that’s because Hitchens was “afraid” of him. When people panned that stupid film he did about the Democratic Party, it’s because they were “afraid” of his “truth.” It’s hard to recognize that you’re guilty of confirmation bias when you also don’t know anything else either.
  15. That actually was a common theme in the litigation efforts to begin with, and it’s what conservatives/republicans/right wingers cannot for the life of them understand. All that stuff about “these loonbags spewed so much shit” is true but it’s only true within their little cult. Once they start stepping outside of their little ghetto, they have to trade in reality, and that’s not something they’ve ever been terribly good at. It’s one thing to talk inside the cult. It’s quite another when you take it out to the general public, and it’s just open season on what hypocrites, liars and frauds those failures really are. That’s why they’ve been getting rag-dolled over and over in courts.
  16. Such is the mindset from the world of Make Believe and Pretend. These are people who mentally reside there. They do not live in reality. These are the same people that think Trump is returning to the fucking White House today. These motherfuckers cannot handle losing, and the problem is how they see electoral politics in the first place: it's a spectator sport between "we" and "they." They "lost" the last game and they've gone full aggy about it. The sun was shining in their eyes, they weren't ready, the goal lines were painted too thick, the referees were in on it, etc.
  17. I seriously don't even know what normal human brain would be unable to reconcile the contradiction. "Yeah I said fact, but it was my opinion."
  18. In all seriousness, I was especially impressed and even moved by this portion: "To take one example, Powell has stated publicly that she has “evidence from [the] mouth of the guy who founded [Dominion] admit[ting that] he can change a million votes, no problem at all.” She told audiences that she would “tweet out the video.” These statements are either true or not; either Powell has a video depicting the founder of Dominion saying he can “change a million votes,” or she does not. To take another example, Powell has stated that she could “hardly wait to put forth all the evidence . . . on Dominion, starting with the fact it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chávez.” Again, this statement is either true or it is not; either Dominion was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chávez or (as Dominion alleges) it was not. Take a few more examples. Powell has stated publicly that Dominion “flipped,” “weighted,” and “injected” votes during the 2020 election; either Dominion did so or (as Dominion alleges) it did not. Powell has claimed that state officials received kickbacks in exchange for using Dominion machines; either state officials received such kickbacks or (as Dominion alleges) they did not. All of these statements, and many others alleged in Dominion’s Complaint, “expressed or implied a verifiably false fact” about Dominion." It sucks to say this, but this was actually a breath of fresh air. We, as a society, have become so severely over-reliant on the word "opinion" to the point that we don't even fucking know what it is anymore. Very pleased to see this judge knows his ass from a hole in the ground on that subject because that's exactly what I was saying at the very beginning of this: None of what she's been saying could be construed as "opinion" even in the colloquial sense, much less legal sense. Powell straight up fucking lied through her teeth. She asserted baseless speculation as though it were a matter of fact. That's lying; not opinion. Down here in Texas, we call that "talking out of your ass."
  19. It doesn't really matter. That's what conspiracy theorists do as a matter of habit. They pretend to possess secret knowledge that hardly anyone (if anyone at all) possesses and that therefore makes them smarter than you.
  20. Just in looking at everything connected to that, our military adventurism over the past 75 years, not to mention multiple bouts of economic retardation Trickle Down Economics, the amounts blown on those activities would cause a real fiscal conservative to lose sleep.
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