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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. Exactly. But if you really want some Delta-V with very high specific impulse, you go with this:
  2. I wonder if it smells bad in the capsule/station. I mean, if you were in micro gravity would you try to use a fart to propel yourself?
  3. Glad they gave the capsule a name. A ship without a name is bad luck, but mostly just awkward. I thought they might go with different names of mythical dragons for each one, but then I realized that was lame.
  4. It's hard to keep a camera connection working when a rocket engine is landing next to it?
  5. You start conspiracies around space travel, you best be on your guard for Buzz Aldrin’s fist.
  6. Oh yeah, they’re going to attempt to land the first stage.
  7. They launch a second rocket to video/live stream the first, then a third to video the second, and so on.
  8. Only two options, light the candle: Or put the candle back:
  9. I do miss the crap load of switches and buttons in the spacecraft. Switches to the left, the right, up, down, behind. Bad to the bone. An in-your-face interface.
  10. Still think they could save weight and space with my dwarves into orbit plan.
  11. Lit up with anticipation We arrive at the launching site The sky is still dark, nearing dawn On the Florida coastline Circling choppers slash the night With roving searchlight beams This magic day when super-science Mingles with the bright stuff of dreams
  12. HornsOverIthaca


    Raining. Damn. Hope they know where the SCE to AUX switch is.
  13. HornsOverIthaca


    That’s a fine looking AC vent phlegm. Those black suits the guys in the launch tower are wearing are freakin me out. If I saw those guys coming at me I’d be launching myself into space.
  14. HornsOverIthaca


    But will we hear a “go at throttle up”?
  15. I still think creating an artificial black hole to slow down time would be a better option. We could also throw crap into it and generate power through Hawking radiation.
  16. HornsOverIthaca


    Weather being a bastard. Looking more like Saturday will be the day.
  17. If they'd called it Mount Caramel it would've been even more popular.
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