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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. The internet says he’s 5’9 so that means 5’7. He’s blowing up like Violet from Willy Wonka, but an orange instead of a blueberry.
  2. Men who are super anti choice are creepy and give off Sandusky energy. Back to thread topic, Desantis looks like a hog that’s been roasting over a fire and seems like a fucking fascist. Discuss.
  3. While I’m sure he spends most of his day flogging himself while starting at a life-size rendering of the Original Sin, he did need another hobby to fill up the rest of his time.
  4. I disagree with your Highland Park voter take. Sure it checks out for the above scenario (and I would probably agree if republicans hadn’t decided to go batshit on some of these recent laws and hospital response to them), but I think even someone with means has to be a little freaked out for their wanted pregnancies right now. I certainly am. There are a lot of things that can go wrong for the whole length of pregnancy. Once you start miscarrying / have an ectopic, do you have enough time to grab a flight to denver? What about in your last month? You’re not supposed to fly. Will your doctor prioritize your life? Do you need to have your delivery in another state? Some scary scary stuff that money can’t necessarily protect you from.
  5. I was able to get my requested value (~$250k off). I went in person and gave a speech channeling Otter from Animal House and it appeared to work pretty well. Would highly recommend figuring out a way to emotionally connect with the panel members that seem more sympathetic. I bypassed the obviously unsympathetic member, found my guy and got him so worked up in my favor that he convinced the final guy to side with us. I should’ve been a litigator.
  6. Regardless of your feelings on fucking abortion, there should NOT be a single goddamn scenario where a group of doctors, lawyers and administrators are forced to huddle together to decide whether or not a woman is severely injured enough by a pregnancy to provide her the care she needs. The fact that each and every one of these politicians hasn’t yet been castrated or what have you by an angry mob only speaks to the generally less violent nature of women. Every single person who believes this is fine or an acceptable trade off for some other political pet issue should be run out of town with pitchforks at their tail. A woman (or child) is more important than a fetus. JFC
  7. That’s kind of a short summary of most of the issues with Texas these days. We’re breaking institutions that served us pretty well (not perfect), for the benefit of a handful of people (you and I are not any of those people). As to schools, it’s not like taxes will go down, they will just be funneled to these bullshit religious schools. I went to one of these schools to avoid the dreaded “bad public school”. It was not a complete education (evolution isn’t real, Jesus walked with dinosaurs) and the voucher didn’t even completely cover cost of admission. My mom regrets it immensely. From a selfish dollars/cents standpoint, this shift is bullshit for the bottom line. Whereas before your kid could previously get a pretty solid education and social experience (provided you were in a good district), it’s now looking like your taxes will stay just as high (gotta make those 10 rich people more wealthy and Jesus), but you now have to hope you have the honor of paying $30k + per year per kid if your kid is one of the handful that actually gets in to the (increasingly competitive) privates that actually provides a good education. It’s a completely sham and fleecing of the middle and upper middle class.
  8. While several of the current issues affect my day-to-day more (marriage equality/ abortion healthcare rights, etc.), I think I find this one to be the most depressing. I suppose I understand why the mouth-breathing morons would support this (although if you don’t think schools will raise their tuition once the gov is writing voucher checks, I have a bridge to sell you), but it’s the upper-middle class people I just don’t get. If you look at Austin, there are only a handful of private schools worth a damn and those are already very competitive. If you removed public schools (Anderson, west lake etc) from the equation, they’re only going to get exponentially more competitive. After that, you are left with a handful of anti-vax schools and charters/non-elite religious schools that don’t have to adhere to any sort of minimum standards and are often advancing a very particular agenda of their founders. They’re unwittingly killing their own children’s futures, not to mention the greater societal implications of having generations of undereducated or uneducated children across all strata of society (except the most wealthy and/or connected).
  9. Haven’t had time to dig into the article yet, but per NYT it sounds like he now backs lifting the filibuster to codify RvW.
  10. Then you don’t seem financially stable enough to afford an expensive watch. You should really practice fiscal responsibility.
  11. Hmmm, in column A we have toys and “tax savings” so you can buy a fancy watch, in column B, keeping my family together and protecting our rights to exist. I think I can definitively state that yes, my issues are more important than yours. At the end of the day, you don’t seem to be much different from the deer sitting in my front yard. Your whole world consists of your perceived needs, unable to engage in higher-level thinking or empathize with the world around you. I would pity you if you weren’t actively making the world worse around you. You’re trash and not worth engaging with.
  12. Well I sure am glad that my marriage cert will be set on fire all so you can continue your toy hobby and “save on taxes”. I’m sure you’re not at all an upper middle class squeaker who doesn’t realize he’s getting fisted in 18 directions from the powers that be in amounts that far exceed any perceived tax savings.
  13. We’re heavily considering a move to Virginia, Maryland (DMV area, Richmond or CVA), or possibly Chicago. Would love Colorado or Washington, but with the fires and water issues, we’re thinking east coast instead. We’re multi-generation Texans and I love it dearly, but with a kiddo now on the way, we’re not going to stand by if our marriage gets dissolved. Also quite worried about the thought of carrying even a wanted pregnancy in this state. * I can easily deal with bad governance and diversity of beliefs in my day to day life, but I refuse to stay here as our rights get stripped away. I posted something to the contrary a month or so ago (same story, but the ending went a bit differently) in hopes of de-doxxing myself, but oh well, sometimes it’s more important to illustrate how terrible policies and rhetoric actual affect other people.
  14. Loved Verona! Had a fabulous meal at Alcova del Frate.
  15. Remove all guns from men and give them consolation meat smokers or golf clubs and bows/arrows. Presto, 99% of mass shootings resolved.
  16. I’ve come up with a brilliant solution for the US gun problem (in lieu of actually doing something about guns). Require that to carry, use or otherwise pick up a gun, you must be attired in an English fox hunting outfit. Gun culture would disappear overnight (tops and tails clash with goatees and oakleys), you could instantly recognize who is packing, and it would class up the place a bit.
  17. I’d you can’t understand burnout and the very real health consequences that can arise as a result thereof, then it’s clear that you’ve never had a high-level or stressful job. You’re welcome that our taxes are subsidizing your apparent mediocrity.
  18. So you were brought up in a two-parent household (one of which is a doctor), but grew up near poor people, so you think you’ve earned some sort of “bootstraps” designation? Good grief, the untalented and entitled offspring of upper-middle class people will be the death of us all.
  19. Over here right now and we didn’t even need to show the vax card. I wouldn’t necessarily count on that, but there wasn’t even someone to interact with on a covid-related basis. Definitely bring a KN-95 mask for ferries and whatnot. They were really enforcing that.
  20. You are a sad sad man. I hope you are able to heal the gaping void in your soul someday. As the above so aptly demonstrates, some parents are bad people, and sometimes children of those bad people need the freedom to make decisions about their body/lives without notice or consent from those bad people.
  21. I’m choosing to drink this koolaid. Dems keep house, increase the senate, and an owl attacks Ted Cruz and he falls down the stairs.
  22. Abortion rights (and other similar rights) seem to particularly aggravate entitled and narcissistic people. All the discussions around it always come back to how it makes them “feel”. The women, the unborn, and any larger societal forces at play seem to have little to no bearing on their analysis of the situation. It always filters back to the lens of “how it makes ME feel”. I’m not sure whether the abortion issue is so triggering to them because it provokes them into thinking “what if I didn’t exist?” and that thought is too much to bear to the narcissistic and overly-entitled mind. I think a well-adjusted mind can reason that if I didn’t exist, I would have no way of knowing that, and it wouldn’t be so terrible. I digress.
  23. I’m convinced about 75% of forced-birthers are just insufferable assholes whose actions prompted their mothers to frequently declare that they wish they had aborted instead. That’s why they’re so sensitive about it.
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