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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. yeppp, and she’s not the first one
  2. Although cost, time, support etc. are significant factors, I would assume the main thing that birthrate hinges on is the combination of 1) access to birth control and 2) opportunity/education for women. A lot (but of course, not all) of women hate pregnancy (myself included) and don’t want their lives to consist of nothing beyond having/raising children. 0-2 can be doable to have well-balanced lives, but once you get into the 3+ range, the woman is likely going to need to sacrifice a lot of her life to make this happen. My grandmother was a super cool lady - combat nurse and avid sailor. She had 8 children, but didn’t have access to birth control or many options outside of wife/mother after the war ended. She would have much preferred living in the world today and only having 0-1 children.
  3. Ugh, the hackberrys that we were on schedule to remove are looking strong as hell, while all of our poor cedar elms are disintegrating around us.
  4. I loved this change from the game as it hits on the thing that always affects me the most in post-apocalyptic entertainment: what’s the point of surviving just to survive? The fact that the embodiment of the survivalist/prepper type is the character to fully-realize this lesson and grow accordingly was absolutely brilliant and lovely.
  5. What an absolutely gorgeous episode. Loved all of the Linda Ronstadt as well.
  6. Ultra was fantastic, great recommendation. We really are just repeating history to an extent every 100 or so years
  7. Damn… Chu absolutely trounced Small for AISD Trustee. Biggest win margin of all the board seats. Given the sign distribution, I never would have expected that.
  8. This was one of the most frustrating things I’ve read lately. “Swing” voters are morons. Candidate X stands for all of my favorite positions, which is why I’m going to vote for Y!
  9. Loved it. Gorgeous and horrifying. Many deviations from the book, but I think it gave a fresh adaptive take (in lieu of a scene for scene remake of the prior films). My only minor complaint would be the removal of his visit back to town/school, but the director definitely had a particular vision which I think he achieved well.
  10. You’re not going to be able to move most people who get all frothy over abortion or LGBT rights issues. They are each too convenient of a crutch for people with low moral character. Pregnancy will never affect any women past a certain age or any man, and LGTB items won’t affect 90% of the population (in a direct manner at least), so these are “sins” of which a large portion of people will never be “guilty”. As long as these are considered abhorrent, it provides ample cover for their own moral shortcomings. It’s always the people who cheated on multiple spouses/defrauded someone/ sexually assaulted someone etc. that seem to get the most worked up about these issues. Hmmm, wonder why?
  11. Anyone have any info on the school board candidates? Obviously Toolin (for At Large) is a nut job, but what about Clint Small in District 4? He seems to have a ton of support in the neighborhood, and I like his position on the bond measure, but otherwise his website is extremely sparse/vague as to his positions. His credentials seem to be limited to the fact that his father and grandfather are much beloved and did a lot for AISD, but I’m not seeing much about anything that he has personally done in this area? I’m getting fox in the hen house vibes (which may be completely unwarranted), but would love to know if someone had more first-hand info.
  12. Good rule of thumb: If it all goes dark and you wake up and see Jimmy Carter, you’re probably right where you want to be. If you see Johnny Sack, Poe and /or Bob Stoops… you might be in the Bad Place. If you see Workswithseed, you should probably quit doing meth.
  13. Living in Texas at this point is like realizing that your current boyfriend isn’t just an asshole that you’re too lazy to leave because you share a lease on an apartment you really like, but that he’s also been actively taking out credit cards in your name and cheating on you all over town.
  14. Great info, thanks so much. We’re really into sailing, love the arts and both can work remotely, so that area holds a lot of appeal. Incredibly bummed I’m apparently missing the Yeah yeah yeahs by a week. That will be a killer show.
  15. Thank you, great info. Are you enjoying it there? We’re actually considering Westport a bit down the line if we end up leaving Austin.
  16. Great idea. I’ve always wanted to check out that area. Many thanks
  17. Anyone have any good autumn recs for Fairfield County burbs (probably Westport)? I have a client thing in October and wanted to make the most of it.
  18. Loving Bad Sisters so far, great little black comedy. Show is much better than the trailer. Fantastic music supervision and Sharon Horgan is again bringing some Catastrophe energy.
  19. Exactly. I grew up very lower middle class so I rejected my dream school in favor of UT on a full ride plus stipend. Similar story for law school (less $). I still had some significant law school loans which I repaid promptly. In many ways I put aside my dreams to do the responsible thing. Instead of sour grapes over not qualifying for this extremely limited loan forgiveness here, I instead reflect back on what my life was like during OCI interviews, where hiring for big firms was on life support at the time. I had fantastic grades and was very personable. I also had a good connection with the hiring manager at one of the firms. I got the job, many of my similarly-situated classmates (also great grades and very personable) did not and were given starting salaries that were half of what mine was. I was a fantastic hire, but I was also incredibly lucky and privileged to have that connection. I would take that outcome and salary over the past ~decade over the ability to avail myself of a 10k forgiveness package any day. Instead of morality scolding the less fortunate, perhaps this is a good occasion to reflect on how often luck plays a tremendous part of our lives and be grateful for our good fortune.
  20. It’s funny how these people never complain about “free stuff” that goes in the pockets of corporations and the extremely wealthy. It’s been proven time and time again that this “free stuff” doesn’t do anything for the economy, but when we invest in our own people, that’s when people start complaining about unfairness. If we’re going to complain, why not complain to the boomers/gen x about the enormous schools cost that younger gens had to incur as a direct result of the policies they supported that destroyed affordable higher education (that they were beneficiaries of) for generations to come. That’s unfair. At the end of the day, I honestly think that the majority of people in this country would much prefer that their neighbor’s life be worse than their own than to equally improve both of their lives, and that’s so depressing. We’re a nation of selfish cunts.
  21. The internet says he’s 5’9 so that means 5’7. He’s blowing up like Violet from Willy Wonka, but an orange instead of a blueberry.
  22. Men who are super anti choice are creepy and give off Sandusky energy. Back to thread topic, Desantis looks like a hog that’s been roasting over a fire and seems like a fucking fascist. Discuss.
  23. While I’m sure he spends most of his day flogging himself while starting at a life-size rendering of the Original Sin, he did need another hobby to fill up the rest of his time.
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