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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Bought the Baron and hold an option on the CJ open to see how this goes. Going to take a few weeks to get all the paperwork settled, so we’ll see where this goes.
  2. A fortune, otherwise he would have cashed out at this point. The only reason you don’t take your $20M after it dropped back and rebounded is that you’re playing a longer game than the guys following you.
  3. Volatility is here to stay. People just like you aren’t looking for 10% returns a year, they expect to flip for 20% a week or whatever the number is. There are a ton of people out there just day trading the volatility trying to make some amount a day and then they quit for the day. There are a ton of other people playing the options game. It’s a lot of gambling at this point rather than dealing with true fundamentals. IBRX is up what, 50% off of that dip a couple weeks ago? That’s a lot of movement in a short period which means there are more people cashing out at any little drop which compounds the volatility. If you believe in the stock, double down. If you’re playing the option game, you’re high risk gambling and it is what it is. If you ever figure it all out, you’ll make a fortune because others have not. Some just okay with a bigger bank roll and can impose their will.
  4. I don’t know whether I’m a rabbit person or not, but I would eat that.
  5. We drive round trips back and forth to South Florida probably 6-8 times a year. They opened one in Warner Robins, GA last year which is about the first stop for gas which has worked out great. Get some gas, grab some decent snacks, back on the road and gone. Much better than the Loves/Pilot we were stopping at. Place has been a clusterfuck every time we’ve stopped at this point though. They are expanding East. There is another opening outside of Birmingham. It will be the on the way home stop.
  6. There are concerns about some of the information being posted, there are concerns about some things being tracked back to individuals, etc. Personally, I would rather have it posted on Discord and just follow it over there rather than some people not post information they have because of the public nature of this forum. It’s one topic to follow over there in a thread format just like it was here except for the fact it’s not public at that point which solves the problems. If you have the discord app, you just check it occasionally.
  7. Personally, I would keep it on Discord and kill the 2 way. The posts here that flow through to Discord are hard to follow. Maybe there are some changes that can be made to the look of it that cleans it up some though. It has been a cleaner discussion over there. I don’t have to scroll through 50 straight GIF’s to see what someone is talking about. It isn’t going to break anyone to support the board.
  8. I’m on set 4 I think of Cooper Discover AT3’s after my tire guy got me to switch. I couldn’t be happier with the brand. I kept having wear issues with Toyo’s and BFG’s and he kept trying to get me to switch, but I was against it. Finally changed a couple trucks ago and they are the first thing that goes on along with the suspension now. Traded the last two with 55k or so on them and they still had plenty of life. They ride great, they wear even, they aren’t loud, they are good in the rain which the other two sucked at, etc. I average 25k-35k miles a year on them and have had zero issues.
  9. I don’t believe you are going to find anything SF related in the 2010 range for under $200k. That is Express pricing and even that would be thin for that new a model. You’re going to be better off looking for one of the higher end brands that has been repowered with a redone interior. You also want to make sure you are prepared for the operating costs on one as well as making sure you know your local waters and the availability of a deep water marina.
  10. The top kids are going to be the same across all the schools. Those kids would excel anywhere. The floor is generally higher at private schools, because the lower tier get lost in public schools typically where the smaller class sizes and tailored curriculums at the private can help bring them up. It also tends to be competitive which raises the floor. I was 100% anti-private when we had kids. We moved to the best district in our area and when we toured the elementary school they had 11 K classes and 8 classrooms. Classes rotated between meeting in the library, cafeteria, etc. We decided then to go private. My nephews are in that system now and I can 100% guarantee you they are 2 grades off from what they are studying versus what my kids are studying. They have compared books several times. The other big differences, my kids have been in school every day this year. They have played sports, they have had musicals, etc all while staying as protected as can be. Also, the head of school and most of the teachers know each and every kid that are in the hallways. They know the parents and can make calls of their are issues. It is more a neighborhood school than anything else in town which is important to us. Not all school districts are equal, not all private schools are equal, but I happily write my two $12k checks each year and am comfortable in what that means versus what is going on in our local public schools. A solid public system is the backbone of the future of most smaller towns, right now it’s in a bad place locally.
  11. Screw full time work from home arrangements. We have been back in for quite a while now. People want to interact and also it provides a separation from their home life. We don’t really have commutes which helps. A lot of my friends have been coworkers, so hanging out at work, going to lunch, grabbing a beer after work, etc was all a big part of what made it enjoyable. Sitting in my office at home by myself for extended periods sucks. My wife wants something, the kids need something, the dog wants to play ball, I just need to knock out some work in peace and quiet. I have a home office setup that mirrors my office setup and have been that way for years. If I don’t want to go in, I work at the house. If I want to go to the beach, I work from there. I probably work 60+ hours most weeks, so that also gives me a place to work nights/weekends. M-F 8-6 though, I’m going to be sitting in my real office most of the time. The best thing about is I haven’t worn khakis or tucked in my shirt since this shit started. Shorts all summer, nice jeans all winter. I have clients make remarks occasionally and I just tell them I can handle their issues in flip flops just as well as dress shoes.
  12. It’s the only option where I live. The public schools are on a different level of dysfunction. With two girls it was an easy decision.
  13. I have 2 kids in private school and am in my 7th year on the board now serving a 2 year term as Board Chair. I also graduated from one of the worst public high schools in the state, but I had grandparents who were very invested in my education. I’ve seen both sides just for the record. There is a lot of truth in the article although she does take it to a level that only applies to the top percentile of private schools in the country. However, her view on the parent/school relationship and the changes in the dynamics are spot on. The issues have always been there, the parents have always felt an outsized sense of “ownership”, etc. but it has become more problematic in recent years and is borderline toxic. Teachers and administrators are burning out quicker and you aren’t seeing the long-term continuity that was in those positions in the past. There is also an inherent sense of racism built into a lot of them. I would bet a large group of private schools especially in the south have origins to the years of desegregation. The largest one in our area was formed the same year as desegregation hit the school system.
  14. That picture was from a couple of days after I bought this one after busting a rear end in the old one. It took from then until close to year end to get the suspension, bedcover, etc installed because of back orders and shipping delays. The thread I’m thinking of may be on another site or the old one. There were a number of pictures of different shop/garage setups.
  15. There was at one point or it may have been a shop thread actually. Hopefully, it’s minor. My daughter drove her car to a friend’s house the other day and their dog jumped on the side of it. She called freaking out, but polishing compound took care of it for the most part.
  16. Had buddies and their families flying into Denver this weekend, but the snow has canceled their flights. They left out this morning for the 20 hour drive. In my 20’s that would have been awesome, in my early 40’s with kids in tow I’m sitting that trip out.
  17. The garages are just plain garages. The guy before had the back one built because his truck wouldn’t fit in the one attached to the house. It’s an old house so the attached garage is built for 1970’s era British sports cars I think. This is one of the advantages of living in a more rural area outside of TX. Everything is much cheaper. I’ll take the garage talk to the garage thread, back to trucks.
  18. It’s pretty empty right now because I haven’t been able to find a replacement. This is one from a year or so ago. I think i posted some others in the garage thread after it was built. I had it done a couple years ago when you could actually build things reasonably. 60x40, 3 doors, electrical, LED lighting, etc for $40k. There is no telling what it would cost right now.
  19. Finally got the wheels in last week for hers. They have gotten carried away with some of this tech. The video rear view mirror is a little much. I’m not sure I like the close up view of the person in the car behind me at the red light.
  20. Ha, 4 single doors. I could get 5 vehicles in it pretty easily, any additional would have to go in the boat shop.
  21. So we can’t even accurately value properties to assess property tax when done by state run assessors, but we can value those houses, businesses, etc accurately for a wealth tax? Makes sense to me.
  22. Not that we’ve noticed, it looks more charcoal gray in the sun. The painted brick portion is only 10 feet high and then it has a large pitched roof. All the accents (gutters, trim, covered entrances, etc) are white as well.
  23. 15% or so return in an hour or less, me and my paper hands bailed when it started bouncing around.
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