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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. I liked her reaction when they asked if she was a cop in real life. Oh hell no, or something along those lines.
  2. The plaintiff's psychiatrist on the stand revealing clearly privileged information about his patient got me. I'm impressed at what a genuinely good guy the main character was.
  3. A lot of brokered CDs have fdic insurance. They should say it on the terms as it's a pretty big deal, especially lately.
  4. Really enjoying "from" so far but it's definitely got a Lost feel to it.
  5. Was this the Moore skank?
  6. I lived in Denver in the 90s (i.e. the last time cu was worth a shit) and also attended the 2001 big 12 championship game. While my disdain will never rise to Sooner levels, I can manage a little schadenfreude over the current state of their program.
  7. Greg Davis nods approvingly at this ratio. 0 kickers? Didn't his kicker portal to Boulder with him?
  8. From the article -"a Scottish judge rubbished his claims, and confirmed he is in fact the US-born fugitive." I never knew rubbish could be a verb. I will start using it now. I hereby declare your silly internet claims rubbished.
  9. Not disagreeing with you, just pointing out how truly mammoth an undertaking this will be, even in the brave new world of the portal. And anyone that doesn't trust ctj or is otherwise hesitant to take his bet, I'll happily offer the same terms. They'll be pretty bad.
  10. I was in Boulder touring the campus with my son last summer. We went by Folsom field and happened to see a few football players walking around and my initial thought was "these are D1 athletes?". I'm no ctj on the talent scouting front but these guys looked like really small lineman or really fat linebackers. Let's just say I'm not stunned at the roster needing some fine tuning.
  11. The day after signing day I'd tell my mom I couldn't take the bus home because I had to go to the county library after school, then walk to the library after school just to look at the AAS 55. Ok, I just looked it up and it was only .4 miles but still. This was in 81 or 82 and even my young mind could tell there was a shitload of OU, SMU, TCU and Aggy on that list and not much Texas. I just figured we were Texas and it was our God given right to always be good, we didn't need no stinkin' blue chips
  12. In 1995 I was excited after reviewing the Dallas Morning News top 100 when I saw we got a RB out of California who was ranked somewhere in the 80s or 90s. Then I came back down to earth when I saw that we missed out on the real prize out of California that year, a RB ranked in the 30s named Sirr.
  13. I thought this was a typo, but then realized this is probably what the aggy equestrian team called him.
  14. Arthur Grand Technologies, formerly known as Arthur Grand Dragon Tech until a bunch of snowflake consultants suggested the name be shortened.
  15. A huge thank you for doing this. And if I ever move back to Texas and buy a home, I'll definitely give you a call.
  16. Headline says they speak in unintelligible grunts, but I could clearly hear a "hullabalew canek canek".
  17. Well, apparently my back of the envelope calculations were off for top 4 if UConn beat SDSU. Apologies to anyone that got their hopes up/ gave up based on that.
  18. This too. Or if only there were some app that allowed you to call rides at all hours to take you to the airport for a nominal fee.
  19. You're right. My bad. In my defense, I am operating on the limited sleep capacity of someone who woke up for a piss in the middle of the night only to find he was going to have to make a last minute unplanned trip to the airport.
  20. A friend has a place in Okiboji and every year we make a joke about going in there as we drive by it. The only thing stopping us is the fact it looks exactly like the kind of place where a cracked out stripper would cross the chow line to shove her glittery snatch in your face. Nothing wrong if that's your thing but we're responsible family guys now- we prefer nubile drug free strippers shoving glittery snatch in our faces. On the broader subject of the thread, and since there is not one for ex-wives and the stupid shit they say/do-my daughter had a very early flight this morning to go back to college. My ex also had an early morning flight to a different destination so they were planning to go to the airport together. At 4:15 a.m. I received the following text from the ex. No call, no follow up confirmation, she just sent this text and put her phone away- "Hey. [Daughter] is gonna need a ride to the airport. Her flight got delayed to 8:10am so arriving airport at 6:10 ish? Apparently lines are long because of spring break. I told her I'd text you so she could sleep a little longer. Thank you!!" Now before anyone asks, I do not work night shifts and I'm not an early riser, so there is no reason to just assume I'll always naturally be up in time to get someone to the airport at 6:10 am on a Sunday.
  21. This was my verbatim response to him. Though he is intrigued by "hedging" SDSU using the points line and hitting both sides. All sorts of valuable life skills being taught in the Wulaw free money invitational.
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