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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. As long as they're missing team functions for something important it should be fine. For really critical shit the teammates will understand- you know, heavy shit like family emergency, academic tests, Rhodes scholar interviews, or Paris fashion shows.
  2. Paul Moriarty pulled this off in the late 80s. As he liked to say at the time, he used to bleed burnt orange, now he pisses it. Good guy, if not a bit misguided (obviously). Also Joe Don Looney enrolled at Texas , failed out first semester with a Blutarskyesque GPA, then eventually ended up in Norman. Never played a down at Texas as freshman couldn't play back then.
  3. Wait, did Ehlinger bad mouth Casey? Not that I mind but doesn't seem like Sam, even if it's true about Casey being a Dbag.
  4. I am the perfect negative indicator as a coach picker. I loved the Herman hire, was highly skeptical about Sark, and was actually worried when Aggy hired Jimbo. ADs should hire me and immediately blackball my top choices. In short l, I'm just a simple farmer, person of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know, a moron. I'm saying this because I think bama knocked it out of the park with this hire. So that's a great sign for us and our SEC chances with one less contender to deal with.
  5. So you see Barkley in a post about San Antonio women and think I meant spreewell?
  6. I'm coming bulk? Already inspiring teammates to hit the weight room. That's a leader
  7. 100 million sounds like a lot but with inflation on food prices it goes quickly.
  8. So if he can't give it his full attention and do it the right way, he's not just gonna coast and collect a paycheck ? Rookie move.
  9. A southern school with light admission requirements has a shitload of hot chicks? I learn new things every day on this site.
  10. Passing widow is appropriate, considering what he did to our secondary.
  11. Sark (hopefully) and smart for starters. I think it'll take someone special that is brash and arrogant enough to believe they can continue to feed the beast.
  12. Can you though? I think following Saban would be about the worst situation a coach can have.
  13. Crap, is that doxing? I figured it's a public website but don't want to have the poor woman inundated with emails from you sick bastards.
  14. Not only is Cher Armenian, her last name is Sarkisian. Sark might not even be the richest sarkisian in the world.
  15. If sark wants to follow Saban then I don't trust his judgement. The next bama guy is going to be miserable until that fanbase realizes the a national championship every other year is not normal
  16. And an adopted Vietnamese brother, Dat.
  17. I always enjoyed the Reacher novels but let's face it- it's harlequin romances for men. Simple, formulaic escapist plot but for men. A total badass, free as the wind with no mortgage or obligations, rolls into town, kicks the shit out of anyone that tries to stop him and always bangs one chick (and only one) per book, because they just can't keep their hands off him.
  18. You a little fella? Kinda funny looking? And it's too late to edit original post but Scandia is NE of the cities, not NW like I put for some reason. Don't need a bunch of Minnesotans correcting me passive aggressively.
  19. I lived in the twin cities for 18 years and just realized Scandia is actually a real suburb. Granted, I lived on the SW burb side and Scandia is NW but it makes me wonder WTF I was doing there the whole time. And yes, I have been to both Chaska and White Bear Lake (go bears!).
  20. Announcer, sweating nervously - "And the young man from Lawrenceville is in on the tackle. Nice play by Noah there. Old #10 really getting it done. Good job NK"
  21. If they're only 10 bucks, I'd buy ones for each of the usual suspects that have large fanbases and resell when one or both hits. Seems a cheaper way to do a futures bet on a team making the finals.
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