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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. I’m on my phone but it’s out there nearly everywhere. Google it.
  2. Don’t make a shit what we’re ranked. Focus on this winning week, and the rest sorts itself out.
  3. Being reported now that he’s been detained for unspecified “serious violations of state law.” Awkward indeed.
  4. There’s only one correct answer: he was trying to cheat like the classless scumbag he is.
  5. That’s not at all the message he echoed during today’s post-game presser.
  6. This makes my dick so fucking hard.
  7. Iconoclast’s posts are actually disturbing, especially considering his personal history as context. His words aren’t those of a balanced, well-principled individual. He comes across like someone who has no sense of self and fills the void with other people’s ideas. His hole is currently filled with political tribalism, and he comes off personally invested in his tribe being right and vindicated. “A man man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
  8. Herman's so out of his league. Has he ever played on the road before? Fucking idiot.
  9. This timeout makes sense. Tom wants to have a quick book club meeting on the sideline.
  10. Kansas State defense is running around confused and out of position, and Mensa calls a fucking time out. Moron.
  11. Solid half for the defense. Decent quarter and a half for the offense. I hope Herman gets the offense back on track. That last series was embarrassing.
  12. Whose fault was that? Replay looked like Duvernay loafed it.
  13. Was about to post this. Act like you’ve fucking been there before. Good grief.
  14. The actual fuck — you’re real? In that case, I’m a solid maybe.
  15. “We were able to stop the run, y’all!” - Fans whose team defense allowed 400 yards passing
  16. Pfft. The Failing Des Moinea Register.
  17. I like this Joy character in these Verizon commercials.
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