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Everything posted by Washpark

  1. A few experiences A man shoot up assuming herorin on the BART. A man smashed a women’s face and shattered the plexiglass on the DC metro Human feces on the BART I passed out and was kicked off the LIRR for the last stop. Someone getting their phone stolen on the nyc subway
  2. my boss does have a small booze stash in the work kitchen
  3. I started running and going to try to be healthier. Don't need to lose weight but want to get back to running 5k-10ks. I was shocked at the number of people running around central Austin 6am today My boredom has led to really bad eating habits.
  4. I did order a red stapler. I learned this morning from my exec team that I will have 2 more direct reports starting in the next few months. I am thinking side hustle.
  5. The surfing sucked i should have expected to be a backpacker type trip but for value and experience it was less interesting than Thailand. For dollar and uniqueness, I think there are better countries in SE Asia.
  6. Westin is nice. Fairmont is a shit hole. The W will have mirror tables so easier to do coke lines
  7. Was great early 90s but place has been sold a few times I think. Parents live close to there but haven’t been in for years
  8. a reporter at a major US publication and my outside counsel have the same first name. an email exchange with a person currently being investigated and me discussing a dinner was obtained by said reporter. i thought i was emailing outside counsel.
  9. Because I flew 5 hours round trip for a lunch meeting that I slept in the bathroom for half of it.
  10. Washpark

    Work Time Waster

    For reasons outside of the company's control, I was hired into a role that now can't have me do my job for the next 6 to 12 months. I was told informally just look busy. I need to find ways to kill time and look busy. I have my own office but only requirement is that I need to be in the office most days 8 - 5. What are the best ways to kill time / not go crazy while doing nothing? I have already taken up 2 hour lunches. I fly to nyc at least once a month for 1 hour investor meetings so probably will add int'l bs travel to my schedule.
  11. https://9gag.com/gag/a3LWyGv/thats-what-xi-said
  12. Isn’t that the same as living in Russia
  13. President Donald Trump said Russia was no longer interfering in US elections — the second time in three days that he has contradicted the conclusions of America intelligence agencies. https://www.ft.com/content/c6a3dbca-8ab1-11e8-b18d-0181731a0340
  14. https://www.ft.com/content/3aea8668-88e2-11e8-bf9e-8771d5404543
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