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Everything posted by Hamttx

  1. I’m shocked Pollock didn’t back down. He refused to forgive OSU for their inconsistency. Which obviously Herbstreit had no problem doing. Even Galloway stuck to his guns..interesting indeed. Of course I think the entire conversation is acedemic because I don’t see OU beating Texas. It has nothing to do with being a fan. But I have eyes too. And though they are two very evenly matched teams, Texas has the intangibles. And by 4:00 pm on 12/1 OU will be making plans for something other then the playoffs.
  2. Exactly, why people think he needs great coordinators, etc is unfounded. The ACC is a really bad conference once you get passed Clemson. FSU just had its first losing season since the Carter administration. Richt has shown that he fact needed to be replaced at Georgia, and Pitt is the other half of their championship game at 7-5. As bad as Mack may have been. He was never incompetent. Sure, he got as lazy as I am. And never emotionally got over the Alabama loss. But on his worse day he is better then that collection of coaches in the ACC.
  3. That pretty much sums up aggy, and not just football. Log stacking, stadium building, weird initiations utilizating Mason Jars and nut grabbing all fall under some level of controversial and fluky circumstances.
  4. I wasn’t there......I was sleeping with Never Marry Stripper’s ex-wife, who wasn’t yet his wife in the storage area in the ACB at Moncrief.
  5. First off, stop being a fan for just a minute and look at it from a third parties view point. This story got out for a reason, likely both parties involved wanted it out. And actually, regardless of how any of us feel. I believe this will in fact be watched very closely whether anyone on this site finds it relevant or not. And probably why the story was leaked. Not because you care, or I care, or even if the NCAA may not care...for now. Who does care are oddsmakers and bookies who bet both the last game between these two coaches, and will cover action on the championship game this week. As well as league officials who ultimately will get asked about it. If you look at it as a third party with no horse in the race. Such a cozy relationship so soon after their game it isn’t so much about the Texas ou game, which is a large part of it. It immediately calls into question the last game between the two coaches that occurred just last week. And if any discussion or conversation took place between Herman and a lame duck coach in Beatty. If such a discussion did occur about a possible future relationship between the two did occur PRIOR to the Texas Kansas game concerning a future arrangement that was not part of a required Big12 media event. A conversation that could now in fact be a huge problem if Herman can’t answer that question empathetically with “we never spoke” comment. And be absolutely sure that no record of a conversation exists, I believe he is good to go, Anything less then that becomes the smoking gun, even if the conversation they had was 100% innocuous. And why typically opposing coaches typically find a way to hire the guy, as opposed to “consulting” him. And seldom in the same season. Under similar circumstances. It simply has bad optics for everyone involved. Especially if you dig into the game totals for Pooka, and the Kansas receivers numbers for the game. A game they only lost by a single score, a game where one play could have changed the outcome. And prevented Texas from the CG. Armed with that, one could direct some very tough questions to Herman. Who has shown difficulty in the past handling really tough questions. Questions that didn’t have any where near the implications that these questions would have. Just one man’s opinion, as we will see soon enough how those in power feel about it doing something that normally is not done. At least not at Texas.
  6. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    aggy sucks balls. The SEC had a hand in this game whether directly or indirectly. And yet aggy still almost pissed it away. And no one will convince me that there isnt a genuine concern in the SEC offices about a rejuvenated Texas team competing for championships. And how it impacts recruiting not for Alabama, but for the middle and bottom of the pack SEC teams. Alabama is going to get theirs, it is about the other teams having an easier time of it when going up against our middle and bottom of the pack teams. When it comes to recruiting. Shut down Texas, and the Big12 gets stronger by proxy.
  7. I think it is a brilliant move by Mack. First he will be only one of five active coaches who actually has a title under his belt. And you know Mack, every recruit will see that big ass fucking 05 ring when he sits down with mom and dad. I guarantee he will out recruit the majority of ACC coaching staff’s just by killing himself fishing in Florida. Not by selling UNC, but as a vehicle to get to the NFL. He has name recognition and will be able to take advantage of every kid (and their parents) ego, and desire to make it to the league. The second point is the state of the ACC. Sure Clemson is a powerhouse. But they are the only team that has a pulse. Christ, they’re playing the ACC championship game against a 7-5 Pitt team, 7-5?. That ain’t going to scare anyone. Especially a guy with Mack’s ego. Throw in the shit conditions that Miami and FSU can’t seem to extract themselves from. And he probably has a winning record in his first year without doing much of anything. And most importantly, he isn’t under ANY pressure to win BIG. No one in Chapel Hill is even remotely thinking about the playoffs. If he is simply competitive, he will have a job for life. The Tarheels have been a fucking disaster since he left. And it’s ridiculous that some of you are going to great lengths to suggest a litany of great coordinators he MUST hire to be successful. I disagree, they just need to be competent. But not necessarily great. The guy is also personable. Throw in what he has learned and who he has met while stealing a paycheck from ESPN. You can’t help but think he has given this some thought, and probably has a short list of who he will hire. I think this will be fun to watch. Now, who do we need to talk to about scheduling a game against UNC?
  8. They allowed +70 to a team that didn’t get in field goal range against Alabama. And that is someway a shot across the bow? I’m not sure that frightens Vanderbilt, much less Alabama?
  9. So that’s the smug smile of someone who fucks someone out of millions of dollars looks like..
  10. You left off the most important component. Their influences are unchallenged in how the conference makes decisions. One need look no farther then Bryant’s son single handily screwing over UAB football for his own personal reasons. Had it not been for the public outcry from his petty attack. They still wouldn’t be playing football at UAB.
  11. Hamttx


    Every single person on this planet has in their nature a want to be successful, recognized and important. It is not a flaw, but part of our DNA. The difference is that most of us understand that not everyone can be the lead singer of Zeppelin, or the Queen of England. The internet has allowed those who feel they have not achieved what they believe to be rightfully theirs. A platform that unfortunately has no filters. And allows those individuals to put this type of shit out there for all to see.
  12. Hamttx


    What is Purdue University Global? An online institution? I am not familiar with that name, or is that in fact the correct description of what I know simply as Purdue?
  13. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    I watched the video. It was egregious and should have drawn a flag. Especially after the offensive player made physical contact. However failure of the back judge to not throw a flag doesn’t invalidate my original point of what transpired last night. You would be better served to find the video of the Kansas State player who was flagged after he stops and salutes the front row of military dignitaries after he successfully caught what was the winning pass in their bowl game. Only to be flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct by his salute. That flag cost K-State to lose that game. It is a rule, and as such either enforce it, or change the rule.
  14. Shit, I’m going to have to take that bet. 7.5? That is unreal.
  15. Movies like Hell or High Water can do so much to enhance any potential recruit’s decision to actually decide to attend a university out on the waste lands of Lubbock.
  16. Bullshit, no one is arguing how good Bama is. The argument rests with the opportunity to compete. Not to mention that upsets occur almost every week. And they won’t expand because of the power of the Bowl committee’s influences. This system allows certain teams to lose and still get a shot. We as a group would be lived if it was us ranked at 5 and subsequently got left out should Alabama get in after losing the SECCG. Remove the bowls from the equation and a 16 team playoff is easily done. The model already exists. No one will give a shit (nor should they) about the 17th team that got left out. It is leaving out the 5th team that is a major fucking problem.
  17. We will know the “committee’s” intentions on Tuesday days before Texas OU. If they jump OSU ahead of OU, a team they have trailed all year in the rankings. A team that has a common opponent, which ironically OU held to a lower offensive total then OSU was able to do. Then OU should know it really doesn’t matter if they beat Texas or not when it applies to advancing to the playoffs. And I believe El Squared is correct. They want a Bama, Georgia, Clemson and ND playoff. The rest is just window dressing.
  18. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    Fuck you, it is just one of the many calls that directly point to something being suspect about the way the entire game was fucking being officiated. You dumb fucking condescending bastard.
  19. Lutz at the idea any successful established coach would even think of going to Lubbock. They will do what they have always done, which is one of two things. Either take a chance on a complete unknown (like Kliff, or Leach). Or a guy with some baggage (ala’ pass the rolls Tuberville), that hopefully isn’t too distasteful to the people that matter. That’s it...
  20. Fuck em. Even after all the shit that currupt bastard has been a part of. The system is trying its damned best to get that sorry ass man and his team a shot at the highest honor in the sport. Fuck him.
  21. That is pure misdirection. It is cover to park two SEC teams with minimum blowback. Not only has OU yet to earn that opportunity to be part of the playoff. Urb’s aggy has that ugly 4 touchdown loss to a shit Purdue team. But, right on que. Palmer and his puppet are expounding on “their” top 6 teams. And things like this always seem to have a flash point. The bowls are currupt, the playoff selection is currupt. We are exactly where we were 30 years ago when we still had bowl tie ins and argued the top spot where losing late cost you a title. Coincidence that all we have really done is allow certain teams to lose late AND still have a chance.
  22. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    Because we enjoy laughing at those fucking idiots and their insistence on being relevant. All while doing as much as they possibly can to be irrelevant. Like sucking Bama’s dick when they win. The jokes pretty much write themselves. And they provide an endless supply of what being fucking weird is all about. Baylor just covers up rape, and no one really has much of a bitch around here with Tulsa, other then it is located in Oklahoma.
  23. I’ll take that bet. Not sure how we can arrange it. But with Fowler and Herbstriet already talking about that very scenario while still doing the SC/ND game suggests that it is the match up that ESPN would prefer.
  24. Yeah, I don’t see a 7-4 Pitt team who got smoked tonight by Miami doing much against Clemson, though you’re right if so that would be weird.
  25. I don’t think so, though I could be wrong. There is a strong pull from Fowler and company to get Ohio State in.
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