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Everything posted by Hamttx

  1. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    I’m not sure I find two teams unable to seal the deal after seven tries qualifies for exciting. But we all look at things differently.
  2. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    The timing of these aggy heroics sure does seem coincidental? Texas makes it to the Big 12 Championship game. And aggy counter’s with a tie for the longest game in history that meant.....well, nothing really.
  3. Hell why not. At this point the entire process appears to be at the whim of a select group who knew back in September who would be in the playoffs. Shit like ND more then likely getting in when TCU was denied for the lack of a 13th or championship game is the committee’s moving the goalposts if you will to fit their narrative. Actually the entire thing has gotten so far out of hand. That Hopefully they will piss off the wrong school who can somehow derail this charade.
  4. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    Semantics. aggy got some gratuitous calls. Because of those calls they managed to win the game. In fairness they made a couple of good plays as well. But, the point is they shouldn’t have had the opportunity.
  5. Herbstreit and Fowler were just on pushing Georgia in the top 4. Along with ND, and of course Bama and Clemson. And fucking Herbstreit could barely contain himself at trying to force Ohio State into the top four. With their statement win. I really dislike that guy.
  6. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    I have never seen a referee purposely not make a call on a flagrant touchdown celebration, and instead speak with the player who just committed the foul. Yes, I have seen referee’s try to control a game for fear of it getting out of hand for physicality. But absolutely never about TD celebration. They call that every fucking time. Most of the time on far less displays of celebration.
  7. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    I never believed LSU to be very good in the first place. But small shit like the aggy receiver putting spin on the ball after the 5th OT score, not only didn’t get called (which by rule is unsportsmanlike conduct), but he got the benefit of the ref coming up behind him, which you clearly see on TV. Talking to him, and instructing him to not do that. It is that type of thing that creates doubt in people’s mind as to the legitimacy of how the game was called. And if there were in fact outside influences.
  8. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    They won’t. In fact just the opposite will take place. They will go on and on about aggy found them a legend coach, yada, yada.
  9. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    I normally don’t buy into this thinking, but strangely after seeing this I have to wonder.
  10. Not to a few us. In fact it was fully expected. The fighting Jimi’s started reading way to much into knocking off a shitty MSU team. Jokes on them as MSU is Rutgers bad.
  11. Hamttx

    LSU @ aggy

    It’s not so much that LSU will eventually do something to win, its more about aggy doing something aggy to fucking lose.
  12. Hamttx

    OSU @ TCU

    Ain’t it amazing when neither team gives a shit.
  13. Well sew my face to the carpet. Didn’t see that coming.
  14. Yeah, Clemson is going to be a tough out for whomever draws them.
  15. Oh shit, that looked like it hurt.
  16. SouthCarolina has some loyal fans. They stick with that school no matter what. And considering their history, that’s pretty fucking loyal. Dumb, but loyal.
  17. For the 70 points Clemson is fixing to score. Very unsportsmanlike.
  18. Holly shit. Big man goes vertical
  19. I’m shocked. Carolina bowed up, lutz.
  20. Amazing how pedestrian some of these SEC defense’s become with a quality passing attack. Strange no one mentions that?
  21. Should have took the points Boom.
  22. Sure, Clemson is fixing to bury South Carolina. And there isn’t anything Book can do about it.
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