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Everything posted by Hamttx

  1. Well I wouldn’t think it would be Tua. Injury or not you can’t get pulled and win the very award that was established for if you don’t play your team doesn’t win. And Apparently many believe he isn’t even the best QB at Alabama?
  2. Jesus, how do even tell how good Clemson really is? Say what you want about the Big 12, but at least our shitty teams put up a fight.
  3. Like when they played in 2014. I’m not saying OU beats them, I’m just saying OU has beaten Alabama more times this century then Georgia has. And played almost as many times.
  4. Hager is a loud mouth legacy. If he were a dirt burglar he would be crucified by us. His antics are all fun and shit only when you win. They are a distraction and childish when you don’t.
  5. I believe Sam was hurt far worse then we know. His constant rotating his throwing arm in circles prior to the snap is confirmation of at the very least soreness. And In the second and third quarter it was almost a tell that we were going to attempt a throw. Add in the fact that they almost appeared to stay away from any shoulder contact with Sam, like they didn’t want Sam taken out and replaced by Buechele. OU’s defense looked better then at any time this year. Some may be they are finally settling in on Ruffins scheme. But I believe it had more to do with Sam’s health, and would have to be a question Herman should have been asked.
  6. But yet most would say they are all better then what OU trotted out there? Other then maybe Murray. Not a single one of OU’s starting 11 would start at Texas. And why do all of you give Herman a pass? He had a hand in this as well. He can force a change if he wanted to. To lay it at the feet of Orlando without at least some blame of the head coach is why we see the same shit from the last four defensive coordinator’s who were employed by Texas.
  7. That may make an interesting conversation. Having to explain a blowout may turn out to be the one way Alabama gets left out.
  8. Actually I chart plays during the games. And both teams were completely out of character in the first 30 minutes based on their year to date play calling. Ou’s play calls changed dramatically on their last drive at the end of the first half. But, I got the impression that both staffs were paranoid trying far to hard to break what they believed to be their own tendencies. To the point neither team could develop continuity. And the OU middle was opening almost the entire game. This was seen by the two drops by Texas receivers in both their second and third possessions which were easy touchdowns had they been caught. And then it was almost late in the game before Texas went back to attacking that part of the defense. I found that rather strange.
  9. Fowler? A product of the Mccarthy era at Colorado? Yeah, OK...
  10. I agree Vic, but I believe that as the ball was already in the end zone the criteria for what is or is not possession comes into play. And having possession usually requires holding on to the ball just as it would in the same way a completion is defined. Whether the football move bullshit comes into the equation. With the Georgia player punching it out so quickly one could argue that the Bama player never had possession. I of course could be wrong.
  11. I can’t express enough how bad I feel at this moment. Had that return stood, well fuck. I just lost money that I couldn’t afford to lose. This one is going to haunt me for a very, very long time.
  12. Now at -9? Man I don’t understand how this works at all. We have joked around here for years about the easy money, sure bet. But it was always done tongue in cheek. But damned if this isn’t as close to easy money as I believe I have ever seen.
  13. What the hell is going on? The books just ran the line up another point to -9. I have never seen anything like this. Have people lost their eyesight, their ability of critical thought? 9 points? What have these people seen that is obviously alluding me?
  14. I got in at -8, though I am still not sure why the line moved up? At first I thought it would turn into a circle game due to Sam’s shoulder. Then I thought maybe the books have an edge of some type? But now I’m just not sure. -8 is absolutely ridiculous, and believe me I am not that smart. But I saw the first game and how the final score was skewed by the last few minutes. Had Texas broke serve over that period of time, Texas easily wins by two scores. Yet here we are with OU not only the favorite, but one could argue a two score favorite? OU is known not to cover in these type of games. Almost never have. This one has me totally confused.
  15. Sadly, that single picture tells the entire country what a shit show the PAC is without a strong draw like USC. They are a conglomeration of big schools on the west coast that have a lot of things on their minds. And obviously football doesn’t appear to one of them. And people here want to be part of that?
  16. And? You can do the same shit with Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, the Mississippi schools Southern Cal, SMU. Even Red’s 44 and 45 Army teams did that. Shit, the fucking list goes on and on when it comes to infractions. If anything at least the argument could be made that dirt burglars got something in return. What the fuck did aggy ever get? And that is just the shit the media got wind of. The truth is far uglier then that. Scandals that were able to be put down before making it to a major media outlet of the time. Simply because they happened in college towns where the so called media was part of the very slush fund the other major news groups probably knew about. But chose to ignore. And that doesn’t even begin to address the AFCA group made up of Shug, Dooley, Bryant, Peterno and McKay. And yes even DKR. All of whom decided who could be in the club, and who could not. And who made life hell for those that didn’t toe the line. Maybe you’re to young to remember that we had a few racial issues back then. And people like Switzer were not liked for a lot more reasons then simply the game of football. But I won’t CR that part of this thread. But, If you believe that it was pure investigative journalism that uncovered those stories you’re naive. Research it yourself. Look for Vince Dooleys response to turning down the OU job in 1965 prior to Mckenzie taking it. Don’t take my word for it. Read it for yourself how “His people” back in Alabama would feel about him coaching a black players. Time heels wounds, it doesn’t change history.
  17. Great part of the country to visit....but that is about it. And I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be tied to them in any way.
  18. Actually the line moved to 8. Now, as a general rule I never touch games that I have an emotional interest in, as it clouds my bull shit meter. But 8? So, I plan on scraping together as much cash as I possibly can up today and dropping it on this game. There is absolutely no fucking way OU can cover that spread unless the damn thing really is rigged, 8? Unless I have been watching some other OU team. They would have covered only 6 of their games this entire year by that same spread, and that includes FAU and UCLA. They wouldn’t have covered that spread against fucking Army! And now they put that number out against Texas? Man, that just looks really fucked up.
  19. No it won’t, but it should. Georgia Tech is far to conservative of an institution to allow his antics. But, the amount of talent in the state of Georgia that either gets overlooked. Or can’t find a home at one the local blue bloods forcing them far out of state. Would provide him enough talent that in a very short time his system would cause the competition a lot of problems.
  20. Start cheating? What, you new to this? If we were able to look at the thing known as the hive (which everyone knows is an arc of the FedEx sort of thing that will blind you) it is probably one of the primary reasons they found the SEC so fucking appealing....to cheat without being called on it. Well that and the neo-nazi thing. Firgive me for stating the obvious. But their little boost in recruiting coinciding with their jump to SEC isn’t a coincidence. It’s the buy em all a Trans Am thing. They knew damn well going in, that the SEC has a pretty good system in place where unlike other conferences, no one will out a cheater. Only Fulmer had the balls to call Alabama out. And you see what that got him AND Tennessee.
  21. Only thing I got out of that retarded original post (which I refuse to quote) is under 1) “LSU had a lot at steak”? I don’t see anything wrong with that, as I too like to have a lot of steak at the house. Whether or not they had a lot at stake is anyone’s guess? As is Jimbo being LSU’s dream coach. That really does sound like a fucking aggy, doesn’t it? Oh, and I did chuckle at “the start of the machine”. That fucking machine has been broke down for the better part of 25 years..
  22. That is why he is so deserving of the honor. The rules heavily favor the offense, and have since the inception of the 3-yard rule for offensive linemen. Hooking a d-linemen is taught at every university. Many on here don’t seem to know that. And his ability to manage that advantage and still dominate is why he will play on Sundays.
  23. I’m going to guess that Murray’s performance has surprised a lot of people. Physically the guy doesn’t impress anyone. Sure he can run, but that sure didn’t seem to help him while at aggy. Not to mention OU is toast without him. So maybe his performance under Riley while following Mayfield had a lot to do with it?
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