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Everything posted by BornOrange

  1. MLB Network went to commercial break suggesting Wheeler was on the move.
  2. There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people who ask questions.
  3. Mack was the OC at OU in 1984 and had a good relationship with Switzer. In fact, Brown had a lot of stories about things he learned from Switzer. So no, I don't think Brown had quite the proper hatred for Oklahoma that he should have had.
  4. Ump had a wide strike zone. They will adjust.
  5. Maryland was the first game of the year. If we played them later we would have won. If our defense is able to gel in time to win the early games against LSU and OU, we will not lose to both TCU and Iowa State unless Sam gets injured.
  6. Fuck Chip Brown If we beat LSU and OU, we are not going to lose to both TCU and Iowa State. Fuck Chip Brown
  7. With possible pregame fireworks since the trade deadline is 4pm ET, three hours before game time.
  8. It's about time for the new Attorney General to get de-briefed.
  9. He would be an almost-60 year old.....and it's the movies.
  10. Who said he has gone 30 years without a promotion? He just hasn't been promoted as much as he should have been, and probably hit his ceiling at captain. According to The Navy Officer Ranking a Captain (where Maverick is currently) is three levels above Lieutenant (where Maverick was in Top Gun). A 2 star Admiral is two levels above Captain. So instead of being promoted 5 times, he has just been promoted 3 times.....assuming he hasn't been demoted at any time.
  11. fify And the only correct answer remains....You hit Eckstein twice.
  12. Interesting that the two lefties in the lineup are back to back.
  13. Yeah, a road trip to St. Louis. What could go wrong?
  14. Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion man.
  15. What I meant is that it would seem the Astros would have more leverage if Kemp was still on the roster. Kemp would appear to be more valuable because the Astros wouldn't HAVE to trade him. After the DFA, teams know the Astros have to trade him, therefore they can get him at a discount. They may even get him for free if the Astros can't trade him. However, and what I tried to explain earlier, Luhnow probably figured teams could already determine that by looking at the Astros roster and knowing that he would lose Kemp anyway in August when the Astros are going to need 13 pitchers so that is why he DFA'd Kemp now. Addition after edit I think you make a good point about DFAing Kemp may actually increase the leverage.
  16. It is interesting how Luhnow is timing this decision. He could have optioned Straw in order to activate Correa. That would have given him some extra time to make the decision on Kemp. Sometime in August he would have had to DFA Kemp anyway when adjusting the roster from 12 to 13 pitchers. I guess it doesn't change the Astros trade leverage in any way because teams already knew Kemp and Straw would have to be removed from the roster to move to 13 pitchers.
  17. Does the "Cycling Professor" think that clip from Turkish Delight advances his cars bad, bikes good argument? Makes me want to run a bike rider over.
  18. Mark them down to 2.25. That is his batting average and official weight.
  19. If each team had equal coaching, I would take the 1996 team over any Mack Brown team except 2005 and 2008. Maybe 2004 and 2009. The win over Nebraska saved Mackovic's job because that 96 team was terribly mismanaged.
  20. This press release was on Wednesday. I wish it had been made a few days earlier so Bagwell could have commented on it when he covered the game Tuesday. I hope the Red Sox celebrate the 2004 World Series the next time St Louis visits. Fuck the Cardinals.
  21. Or they are getting him prepped to be next year's pitching version of Alvarez.
  22. I doubt they are counting on Brown at all. If he is able to play, that would be tremendous. But it wouldn't be wise to plan on him at all until he (1) gets cleared by doctors and (2) completes spring and/or fall practices.
  23. Do you really want to open that conversation?
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