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Everything posted by BornOrange

  1. I doubt they are counting on Brown at all. If he is able to play, that would be tremendous. But it wouldn't be wise to plan on him at all until he (1) gets cleared by doctors and (2) completes spring and/or fall practices.
  2. Do you really want to open that conversation?
  3. His first American movie - Nighthawks. Blade Runner was his second. Not a bad start. Some more recent movies that haven't been mentioned: Sin CIty......the evil cardinal Batman Begins.....head of Wayne Enterprises
  4. 1) Bregman is a better SS 2) Bregman has played a lot more SS over the last couple of months than Diaz
  5. After a second reading, I guess you're right. But I said it better.
  6. I would love to keep Cole, but I think Crane has said he wants to avoid the luxury tax. The threshold will be $208mm. I'm sure the Astros will play up the fact that they developed Cole into a dominant pitcher and will be a contender for the near future. But Boras is his agent.
  7. No, if he had pitched those games in 2017 the Astros lose and the Dodgers win. If he pitches those games in 2019 for LA, the Astros win and the Dodgers lose.
  8. Bloody and violent with some butt sex? Sounds like a good movie...... .....or a good second date.
  9. Everybody is overlooking the biggest factor for Chirinos struggling right now. He is being overused. He is 35 years old and he is being used more than he ever has in his career. Here's the percent of games he's played since he became a regular. 2014 - 57% 2015 - 48% 2016 - 35% 2017 - 54% 2018 - 69% 2019 - 76% I don't know the complete story behind his usage while he was a Ranger, if he was injured or a backup or whatever. I do know that earlier in the year when he was fresh, he was having a really good year. Now he is getting worn down. For the rest of the year, he should just catch 3 out of 5 games. During September, he should catch even less.
  10. They're really trying hard to get this series going. Haven't seen either of the first two.....are they any good?
  11. If they want to go with 13 position players, they can put James on the IL to activate Diaz. The only way Kemp stays on the team is if they have 13 position players on the roster. CLARIFICATION When Diaz gets activated, Straw and Kemp can both stay on the roster if the Astros go with 13 position players. Or Straw can get optioned to Round Rock. When Diaz and Correa are both on the roster, the only way Kemp stays on the team is with 13 position players.
  12. Peacock is already on the 10 day IL.
  13. Too early to consider Whitley a failure. There is cause for concern, but he is still really young (third youngest in AAA at the beginning of the season) and hasn't pitched enough innings to make a final determination.
  14. I'm getting an Apocalypse Now kinda vibe. Maybe even some Return of the Jedi. "I know there is still some good in him."
  15. I had forgotten about that. It turned out that Clemson didn't need Lawrence to beat Notre Dame and Alabama in the CFB, and Lawrence was still drafted in the first round. However, the backup TE and backup OL are ineligible for this season.
  16. I'm not naive. Just asking what Clemson is doing that other schools aren't doing.
  17. Are we talking an advanced PED program that gives them a competitive advantage like Nebraska had, or is this some new lingo that I'm not hip to? If so, what are they doing that other schools don't?
  18. Here's an article about the changes. Changes at 610
  19. Obviously you never walked like an Egyptian during a hazy shade of winter.
  20. I can see a female "Double 0" agent. Maybe even a stand alone movie about a female "Double 0" agent. I might not watch it, but I wouldn't have a problem with it. But if they try to have a Jane Bond 007, that would be a woke trainwreck and would ruin the longest running movie franchise.
  21. Just noticed this article. Perot helping a wounded veteran
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