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Everything posted by Stoogey

  1. You have no idea how correct you are. The American team certainly didn't fool the nomads. The article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/09/14/first-ever-u-s-team-plays-rugby-on-horses-with-a-decapitated-goat-at-world-nomad-games/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.602f0ce76d95 The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVKnYB8bf4I I would give a member of the American team credit for driving a Nomad. How many days until PETA charters a jet to the games?
  2. That's right, Trash. Just ask Robert Pickton.
  3. Think we've found our Quasimodo for the Surly production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's not like he has any lines to remember or anything ...
  4. Can this be the same person? Left, June 2018. Right, January 2002.
  5. September 2, 1945. Japanese representatives signed the surrender.
  6. Yes. There is betting on kok boru (decapitated goat polo). The problem is the places I found are overseas and blocked so you'd need an international proxy IP. And then there are issues with using a credit card on the internet overseas. Some of the bookies have already posted lines on the 2020 presidential elections. Trump is the front runner. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is definitely a dark horse. Whatever you do, don't bet on the USA. We suck at kok boru.
  7. Which put Harry Allen out of work. Kind of an interesting guy. Wore a bow tie to honor the solemnity of his duties. Kept a notebook listing all of his executions. Names, dates, heights, weights and the necessary drops. The idea is to swiftly break the neck causing unconsciousness and rapid death without strangulation or decapitation (as in the case of US military hanging on January 15, 2007 of Barzan Mohamed who was decapitated due to miscalculations of his weight and too long a drop). English justice was swift and so were the hangings. The convicted prisoner was assigned to a condemned cell. When the time arrived. a partition was removed. The adjoining room was the execution room. The prisoner was on the trapdoor with noose around neck and the door was sprung within seconds.
  8. Over the past three years on Shaggy and Surly, this chick has aged twenty years. We're all adults. You don't want to see anything bad happen to anyone. Maybe she'll be incarcerated long enough to clean up and receive health care to turn her life around. At least she wasn't in the restraining chair this time so I suppose that's a step in the right direction.
  9. Celebrity spokesmodel for the games was international star of stage and screen Mr Steven Seagal. "If Genghis Khan was alive, he'd be here with us."
  10. Knew a stripper named Bambi so this hits close to home for me.
  11. Didn't watch the video, did ya, pal? Yes. There is mare milking. A non-competitive women's activity in the yurt village. Going off half-cocked as usual. Buzkashi (decapitated goat polo) is the Afghani word for kok-buru (picture after the burning man running). That thing where they ski around and shoot rifles at targets in the Olympics? Shoot at each other. Mongolian up, bro.
  12. "The Central Asian Olympics." Opening ceremonies September 2, 2018, 8:00PM. Closing ceremonies September 8, 8:00PM. Kyrgyz Republic. This year there will be children's events. Competitions for the ladies: archery, archery on horseback, dancing and synchronized dancing on horseback. Also a fashion show and best yurt / tent contest. New this year is the World Nomad Cuisine so let's get cooking, girls! For us guys, looks pretty much like the same old same old. About seven different kinds of archery (four on horseback), about seven different kinds of wrestling (two on horseback), throwing wooden javelins at each other on horseback, horse racing, hound racing. Then there are the more obscure sports: burkut saluu (hunting with eagles on horseback), setting a guy on fire and chasing him (I don't know the nomad word for this event), kok-boru (kind of like polo except with a decapitated goat carcass), and oert jalymdagan chabandes (burning nomads on horseback - racers get their the fire extinguished in the order they cross the finish line.) They even put it on a postage stamp. The USA contingent has only won two silver and two bronze medals. Let's step it up, America!
  13. What? My guest bathroom is black. #noracist
  14. Well, the officer and the girl are African-Americans.
  15. Idea for an amusement park ride from the December 1919 issue of Electrical Experimenter magazine.
  16. Catrina's daughter's tattoo didn't turn out like the example.
  17. Found while posting Eskimo Hut review.
  18. Goodbye C Struggs May you ever grow in our hearts You were the grace that placed itself Where lives were torn apart You called out to our ghetto And you rapped no shit Now you belong to heaven And the stars spell out your name And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never fading with the sunset When the rain set in And your footsteps will always fall here Along Austin's brownest hills Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will
  19. I was three years old. My parents and I were on the way to my grandparents' to celebrate his birthday. When we got to Capitol Dr, I asked my father to go to the Sinclair gas station. My mother and father were very surprised. They must have thought I was confused with the free premiums and wanted a plastic dinosaur. (These were the old days when men wearing caps and ties pumped the gas for you and cleaned the windshield.) Hell no. I been saving my money. I wanted to get grandfather a birthday present. I hopped out of the car (these were the old days - no child safety seats) and went into the station. They sold gasoline, motor oil and cigarettes. And there was a soda water machine. I asked for a pack of cigarettes. "Which brand?" The kind with the dog on the box. After going through Chesterfields, etc with the dog on the box the selection was getting pretty thin. Then I saw an advertisement on the gas station wall. THAT DOG! Pack of Camels cost me 17¢.
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