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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. And that is one of the rare occasions where Safe Search Is On works out for you.
  2. Did not know JT Daniels was still playing.
  3. I guess Georgia saw a picture of Haynes King at Georgia Tech, and just haaaaaad to one up them:
  4. And anytime until death when somebody sees it and asks "tell me about your tat" "I hate the Longhorns, so I got it" "oh, okay" {walks off and says what an idiot under their breath}
  5. So I did as well, and got the same. But there are numerous pictures of her showing up on that search, so they must click a lot and think she is. Better than a sheep I guess.
  6. You know how I know you are gay? You listen to radiohead.
  7. For about an 8-10 week stretch, you could just about turn the game off after regulation and the score the next morning was exactly what you thought it would be. Happened on a few west coast games for me.
  8. ^^That would be a fun jumbo package on the goal and let the big guy catch a TD or 2.
  9. I wonder why that is? He was a grad of usc.
  10. The WR and TE positions are going to make opposing DCs lose sleep.
  11. South. On FM 2723 between Tall Tree POA and the marina.
  12. So this is a FM road in Mt Vernon texas. It’s just not busy. So this suv was heading north and turned to the left (west for those keeping score at home) and managed to do this bullshit. How f’ing distracted are you when you hit the ditch on the Australian side of the road?
  13. We may need to meet up between periods next season. I only went to 3 games last year (2.5 hour drive) but want to try to go to 6+ this year. This team should be fun this year, I’ll (somehow) miss Domi. Can’t wait for October. Other than ncaafb it’s my 1b on favorite sports.
  14. They make them now that does CO2 and natural gas. edit: https://www.homelectrical.com/carbon-monoxide-natural-gas-detector.usi-mcn108.1.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabmf17N94KONUb35C-EGckstFJ1YOjhSbDj1BZJqOWDLrFnvfXGg4GEaAlIUEALw_wcB
  15. No credit card agreement is governed by Texas law That is interesting, I guess I was misinformed. I thought there was a cap on the max APR. And speaking of payday loans, I have a friend who has a slew of them in East Dallas all the way over to Commerce. If you ask him what he does for a living he tells you "I provide money for people who cant do math".
  16. Credit card commercials. Credit karma or something will give you $50 if you aren’t approved. I can’t imagine the rates on somebody that has to go that route. Not sure what the max is in texas but I think it is in the 20+% interest rate?
  17. Welcome to Surly And all of this was my reasoning.
  18. Correct. They are either too stupid to realize how NIL works or they are purposely breaking the rules. Maybe a little bit of both, but I personally think it is really that binary.
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