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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. DaysOff

    Hudson Card

    Glad he's at least living his childhood dream
  2. Thank you. I was saying that to my parents 30+ years ago. If that bitch shows up to your town, run. Somebody about to die.
  3. Can't go wrong with anything in Old Town, but for a Saturday night I'd try to make a reservation now. Ginger and Baker for Sunday breakfast on the way out of town.
  4. Domestically we're exceeding 2019 levels in most markets, and that was the bestest year since Orville and Wilbur. Now, if you want to go to China...
  5. 26 years of airline flying and I've never seen mid-september airport crowds like this. It looks like Thanksgiving week out there. I don't know if it's covid revenge travel, but don't you people have school and jobs? If there is a recession and inflation happening nobody told the American traveler.
  6. Meh. Harris was the best QB on the field by far. Glad to get the win.
  7. Can't wait for this network to die because of him and only him.
  8. These numbers are laughable small compared to GWB's early years. An estimated 2MM crossed in one year. He tried to do something about immigration reform but his own party told him to fuck for reasons. I know Tucker has a chyron every night telling some of you that there's a border CRISIS, but that doesn't make it so.
  9. Morons. We don't elect short, small dicked men for president in this country. The television optics of midgets in power is bad. Imagine Abbott on the stage. No legs or dick. Sad.
  10. If we lose this game I'm killing all these gambling line fucksticks.
  11. White people love serial killer stories. I am white.
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