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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Even Wrigley Field has this in the upper deck.
  2. Remember when this was scheduled 10 years ago? We're gonna be awesome by then!!
  3. There's always these types I've never seen post before on game threads. aggy
  4. I thought Mr. Phlegm was back for a second.
  5. Guess we'll know in 24 hours how much we suck, but these guys suck ass.
  6. In his defense he's probably fairly drunk on brown liquors.
  7. This has become my problem with all televised sports. Death is off in the distance. Ain't nobody got time for that. How Brat watches a game us beyond me.
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRPyvQtj/
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