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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Nobody cares about short porch pop ups either.
  2. This board never learns Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah. Eastern recycled all the surviving galley equipment from the crash, and the ghosts of crew members would show up on flights with the equipment.
  4. No. They're posting an English translation of a word that was closer to meaning child molester.
  5. Thoughts? Fuck both of them.
  6. He's the Ben Shapiro of Canada, but slightly less autistic and racist.
  7. Why are you people up so early? FIGHT Edit: I've never participated in this thread. I'll try anything now because I'm running out of shirts.
  8. Flashes of Ewers behind our line.
  9. That theater sells booze in a sippy cup fyi.
  10. Wasn't he like the 27th choice in 1957? Mack wasn't our first choice. Sick of seeing ou, baylor, and ohio state fall ass backwards into good hires.
  11. At this point I assume he's always been an aggy or ag fan.
  12. We can be pretty stupid. This is our concern dude.
  13. Maybe rent for awhile just in case.
  14. The only category above severe turbulence is 'extreme' and that's only reported when pieces of the airplane are ripped off.
  15. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmLamyA/ Future Big12 material here
  16. That's the first sporting event I ever left early. Thanks for the great memory.
  17. You actually went all the way from Houston to watch this team? Don't you have young twins at home?
  18. Listen to this man. He lives on a bayou. Xmas time in NYC is the tits.
  19. Pour it on. Maybe one of my teams will win this weekend.
  20. Lolz at Tech receiving votes. That was some accomplishment fuckfaces.
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