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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. We're just going to let this one go?
  2. I can't do this here and with Longhorns football. It's too much.
  3. I was pretty down this morning and accepted defeat, but I'm a pessimist and the 2019 Series broke my brain. We're back baby.
  4. Bit of MAGA nut job like you. Daughters are hot though.
  5. I pay 3.50 a month and have never seen one ad. I'm on tapatalk most of the time, but the desktop experience is the same. In summary, STFU, pay up, or leave.
  6. My pillow guy says only vote on election day. Because reasons.
  7. ATC initiated abort? A systems malfunction abort would/should cause a longer delay to run checklists and coordinate with maintenance control and dispatch instead of blasting right off again. Cutting the line could have been because your departure fix/direction was open and other departures had to wait out the weather because their's was closed. Doubtful that numbnuts asking for an "expidite" had anything to do with it although my airline has an ATC desk at headquarters to bang the monkey. Moving up certain departures over others that they deem more important for the operation.
  8. Give me all the Cubans and Dominicans you got. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  9. Best 5 loss team in the country.
  10. I should've gone into football.
  11. I guess he did okay in the studio.
  12. This is the year for the flu resurgence. Something like 10x over last year according to the cbs nightly news yesterday.
  13. I'm 55 and I think tik tok is awesome. Tons of hysterical and informative content. Plus girls shaking their tits. Privacy? Get fucked; nobody cares. I could have everyone of your ss numbers in 15 minutes if I gave a shit. There is no more Privacy. Calm yourselves republican and libertarian squares.
  14. Certainly Nolen wants to head to Knoxville after this season, yes?
  15. I still can't believe they distribute tickets to students in that manner when they're going to be begging people to fill up that monstrosity. Do any fellow olds remember standing in line at Belmont and handing over your IDs for your group and watching them spin the wooden box full of tickets like lotto balls? Mind you kids, this was 1985, or 2022 in bryan/college station.
  16. Hope so. I'm getting 2019 and 2021 vibes with the darling, underdog-hot NL team, but I'm a pessimist. Thankfully these players aren't.
  17. Nobody believes that shit. We're doomed.
  18. Exactly. I don't watch much TV but I shouldn't be seeing the crippled man more. Where are the Lincoln Project type ads? There's tons of cash and material to be had.
  19. I'll take the W, but 31-29 will give me an anxiety attack when osu has the ball for the final drive.
  20. Relax. I just wanna take some pictures.
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