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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by elguapo

  1. That's annoying. I also thought it was funny that Baxter transferred after my first dynasty season because of "playing style", but in most of the games where I tried to really feed him the ball he would get some wear and tear and then get hurt.
  2. Game is fun. My biggest gripe is that during a game it will show that my player has "wear and tear" and an increased chance of injury, but as far as I can tell there isn't an easy way to sub them out for some rest. Am I missing something?
  3. I want to buy a pair of ropers and noticed that Cuero has some on sale for $100. Are they worth it at that price or should I pay up for another brand?
  4. The cnn clowns fell for the Trump is a changed man bit again 😂
  5. On the other hand, it would be very trump like for him to delegate the staging of his assassination to some underling and then they fuck it up so bad that he actually almost gets assassinated, hmm.
  6. Yeah this, especially if that someone wasn't allowed on their HS rifle team. 0 chance old bone spurs signs off on that plan.
  7. I'm sure his dumbass supporters and people like you will eat that up but it won't move the needle for anyone who practices rational thinking.
  8. I don't know how you can reconcile the dead firefighter with this being "staged".
  9. Not that long ago wearing something like that in public in the USA would have led to a swift ass kicking.
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