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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. This keeps getting mentioned on these threads and the fact that it is from deposition testimony—serious lawyer stuff!—is invoked to lend it gravitas. But if you’re going to imply that a claim is credible because it came up in a certain formal legal context, you can’t ignore how the legal system treats that context. Yes, some guy testified under oath in a deposition that Jeffrey Epstein told him that Bill Clinton likes young women. But in the legal system, that testimony is absolutely worthless and would be rightly excluded from any trial. The technical reason is that it’s hearsay. Basically, it’s someone passing off a rumor as evidence of the rumor’s truth. And the American legal system assigns zero weight to hearsay testimony because it’s so unreliable and easy to fabricate. It’s possible this guy’s lying, of course, but fundamentally he’s just passing off a rumor he heard from someone else, about which has no personal knowledge that would allow him to confirm or deny its truth. So maybe there’s some fire to this smoke and notorious poon hound Bill Clinton turns out to be an even bigger creep than we all assumed he was. Could be. But the deposition testimony that folks keep citing is completely worthless. It’s just a game of telephone, wrapped up with a fancy courtroom bow on it.
  2. The right is starting to get better at comedy and it’s making lefties nervous.
  3. …so you posted hearsay. And you clearly don’t recognize the disconnect.
  4. I’m not triggered. I don’t give a shit about Clinton one way or the other. I just call out stupid shit when I see it and, thanks to your inane decision to post the same stupid shit to two separate threads, I had the opportunity to point and laugh at you in #boththreads
  5. So why are you doing your weird die-on-a-stupid-hill act about it across multiple threads?
  6. What a shocking and novel revelation that, for the first time ever, some guy hypothesized that Bill Clinton is a perv.
  7. To be fair: he got the penalty call correct (unlike the missed handball against Arsenal) and two goals were correctly called offside.
  8. What the fuck is with this fucking fuckstick of a ref?
  9. Including the pen, Mo has sent his last four touches right into a Newcastle player's feet.
  10. Towards the end of S.C Gwynne’s mesmerizing "Empire of the Summer Moon," Quanah Parker explains to a friend named Miller how “the white man had pushed the Indian off the land.” Quanah, a Comanche warrior who had surrendered to the U.S. government in 1875, directs Miller to sit on a cottonwood log. "Quanah sat down close to him and said 'Move over.' Miller moved. Parker moved with him, and again sat down close to him. ‘Move over,’ he repeated. This continued until Miller had fallen off the log. 'Like that,' said Quanah."
  11. Anyone else catch Billy’s Jungle Show at Antone’s? It was pretty good, although they only played a few ZZ songs.
  12. Oh okay. So you are writing satire, just on accident.
  13. You’re a satire account, right?
  14. I’m not convinced his feet were down after he caught the ball. Fuck OU
  15. She’s using the same tactic all Republican liars use these days: wink to the extremists in vague terms, only later to use the vagueness to reframe her comments according to acceptable norms. That’s not leadership. It’s pandering to idiots while clinging to mainstream viability. Haley very clearly intended to excuse the Confederacy’s sins as a righteous fight against an oppressive government and for states’ and individual rights. Of course, the individuals she was talking about were white slaveholders. She was speaking directly to tired Southern apologetics. Now when rightly called out for her idiotic crap, she flips the message entirely as if she intended to criticize the tyranny of the Confederate states. That message is incoherent. No one from the rational / Unionist perspective has ever framed the Civil War as a dispute over tyranny or the southern states’ denial of free speech or the right to bear arms or whatever. It was about the fact that human beings were literally enslaved. tl;dr Haley is a gaslighting fuckstick.
  16. Just wait until you see who’s on the Aggies’ short list for Third Base Coach.
  17. How was that not a false start on pretty much the entire Okie State offense?
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