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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. This is unreal: WTF? How do you kill someone driving drunk, get caught driving drunk again, and somehow not spend the rest of your miserable life in prison after that?
  2. Whose conspiracy theory is that? And for maybe the sixth time on these threads, fuck you and your disingenuous bullshit. To the ignore list you go.
  3. Sigh. Your shit is tired. Shouldn’t you be on the DT thread contradicting yourself about the reliability of atrocity stories?
  4. Let’s be clear here. @chainsaw did not write what you attribute to him. In particular, he never blamed “the Jews.” He used the pronoun “they,” in response to this post which was about “Israel:” His point was that Israel - a state, not an ethnic or religious group - could have done more to defend itself and its people, given what he thinks they knew at the time. I’m not arguing that he’s right about that. But your paraphrasing of his statement is inaccurate and it unjustly implies a much darker meaning than I read in his post.
  5. That’s a pretty strong allegation. Do you have an actual quote to back it up?
  6. It is eerie outside. Not a cloud in the sky near noon but it’s like someone dimmed the lights to 40%. Plus there are little crescents of light in ever tree’s shadow. Pretty cool.
  7. What the fuck? Because our government took actions that most of us criticize and call out as reckless, we can’t criticize another government when they act similarly? That makes zero sense.
  8. With all due respect: fuck you. I’m sick of the knee jerk antisemitism accusations being lobbed around. It’s horseshit designed to silence legitimate discussion. No one is blaming “the Jewish people” for anything. At most, some question the actions of the state of Israel and its hard right leadership.
  9. UNICEF is reporting that 700+ Palestinian children were killed this week in Gaza. Our whole species fucking sucks.
  10. The one that spooked me was Abdullah the Butcher. He’d come out in a black veil, which his “handler” Gary Hart would remove very cautiously. Then of course, he’d proceed to beat and mangle his opponent while gazing blankly off into the distance.
  11. The only point I might clarify is that I remain sympathetic to Israel as victims of this horrific mass murder. And I also fear for the safety of my Jewish friends. This shit is going to be tense and scary for a while, I’m afraid.
  12. Jack White, Prince, and Joni Mitchell ahead of Clapton and Chet Atkins? Clickbait, indeed. Total garbage list by hipster music writers who have never played the instrument.
  13. I don’t think anyone questions whether Israel should retaliate. The issue is what that retaliation should be, and at whom it should be targeted. Specifically, in response to a mass murder by the armed wing of a terrorist organization, should Israel carpet bomb a zone with 2.3 million inhabitants and force a million people out of their homes? I’m not arguing that any of us have an alternative proposal at hand. But it’s reasonable to pause and consider whether full-scale bombing and invasion is just or likely to result in a better future for anyone in the region.
  14. The same idiots support Israel while spreading antisemitic conspiracies using code words like “globalists,” “bankers,” and “Soros.”
  15. That’s a bullshit response. It ignores the long history of stories almost identical to these proving to be atrocity propaganda and the reasons WHY exactly these stories become that (it’s the same reason why these stories spread like wildfire this week - they grab attention). And it ignores the actual conversation about this topic on this thread. You’re all over the map. I’m done with this whipsaw of a debate. My last comment on it will be a summary of where I stand more broadly on this week’s events: - Hamas’s attack was mass murder, full stop. Something must be done to bring justice to those responsible and prevent such atrocities in the future. What that something is I have no clue. - I am deeply saddened for what I expect will result from the response, which is further bloodshed and further entrenchment of the hatred and distrust between Israelis and Palestinians, which will inevitably prolong the cycle of violence. - The infosphere is currently full of propaganda. I haven’t done a survey, but my general sense is the bulk of the propaganda circulating at this point is pro-Hamas, in the form of videos of different incidents being falsely attributed to the Israeli bombings. - The stories of Hamas beheading infants and engaging in rape are of a genre that frequently proves to be atrocity propaganda. This is not necessarily purposeful propaganda. It often results from inadvertent exaggeration and is spread by rumor. It is unclear whether these claims are true in this case and, based on the history of similar claims, we won’t know until the dust settles. That mass media outlets have reported these stories does not resolve the matter; atrocity propaganda often propagates through credible media. - The truth or falsity of the stories has no bearing on how I view the Hamas attack, but claims of this sort inflame emotions and often serve to make matters worse. And at times like these, we need more humanity and empathy, not less. Unfortunately, that’s not how mankind works.
  16. What the fuck? Try to be consistent, for Christ’s sake. You’re too worldly to be unfamiliar with atrocity propaganda, how it works, and why it is problematic even when seemingly only a slight exaggeration of actual (but because of weird human nature, more banal) atrocities. And you admit that “information sanitation” is good practice. But you jump very quickly to paint such cautious reactions as disguised propaganda in their own right, which is flat-out false. There is no one-sidedness present to the questioning of propaganda on this board. The fake news streaming out from the Hamas side has been vociferously and rightly called out as BS, definitively. No one has said anything so definitive about the potential Israeli propaganda because (1) it’s not as clear that it actually IS propaganda and (2) if the claims ARE inaccurate, unlike the Hamas videos, etc., they are far more likely to be inadvertent and a result of a game of telephone played in the fog of war. So no. Unlike my agreement with those who have called bullshit on numerous videos claiming wrongly to show civilian Palestinian casualties, I’m not going to jump to say that the mass rape and baby beheading claims are definitely 100% BS. Because they may not be, and we probably won’t know for sure for a long time. So… how again is that one-sided against Israel?
  17. That’s a pretty naive view of how this works. “Credible news sources” often spread propaganda, even if unwittingly. Shit gets sorted out eventually, but it takes time.
  18. He’s welcome to do so.
  19. What I’ve seen from the news today are conflicting reports. Which is completely unsurprising. What I will acknowledge is that it appears completely unambiguous that Hamas murdered hundreds of innocent civilians, including women and children. And that is more than sufficient for me to condemn them as an organization and to hope for retribution.
  20. I negged him because it’s ludicrous to insinuate that anyone is letting this drag out “indefinitely” when the events happened, what, 3 days ago? That’s not a serious criticism at this time.
  21. You’re too generous. Unless Hamas is tweeting about atrocity propaganda, 956 is clearly talking about those of us on these threads who have pointed out that it’s a well documented phenomenon and thus people should consider withholding judgment on sensational details until the dust settles a bit.
  22. That’s not at all how I read his body of work on the Israel threads. And as G650 implied above, category (2) is a null set on Surly as far as I can tell.
  23. You can fuck right off with your bullshit insinuations. Being cautious in the immediate aftermath to not immediately accept as fact stories that mirror well-worn atrocity propaganda doesn’t indicate any agenda other than restraint. Hamas killed hundreds of innocent people including women and children and that’s a heinous crime.
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