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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. Lol, no. Aggy is a perfect extreme caricature of the SEC.
  2. Next person who says Swaim is getting pistol whipped.
  3. Well yeah, but even if Alito had gone rogue it could be overturned by the court pretty quickly. Alito didn’t join Thomas in his lone dissent in one of the Jan. 6 cases. In this situation, if Alito had conspired with Powell to stop certification, I guarantee it would have been submitted and the injunction issued. The fact that it didn’t happen just tells me Powell is full of shit as usual. They never seriously considered asking Alito to stop certification.
  4. The professor being a furry and not pursuing Blair in Cat Woman costume was a pretty funny unexpected twist.
  5. I hear you, thought it over a little more.
  6. Holy shit, how come nobody else ever thought of this before?
  7. Alito is definitely compromised, but that comment from Powell isn’t all that nefarious, I’m actually surprised she knew the procedure. I assume she’s referring to Pennsylvania. Justice Alito has responsibility for the Third Circuit (Pa., NJ, De.) and can issue temporary injunctions. They’re only temporary though and there has to be a legitimate argument and likelihood of success on the merits. It’s a small part of what they refer to these days as the “shadow docket.” Temporary injunctions from the shadow docket aren’t all that problematic in my opinion, procedurally at least, it’s only problematic when shit heels use it for more substantive relief. I didn’t hear her say that Alito was definitely going to do it, and if he really was on board, it probably would have happened. He’s a piece of shit on multiple other levels and is going to show his ass again soon dissenting to the immunity cases.
  8. I think SMU won their lawsuit to disassociate from the church. I don't know how the theology school operates now or if it is still affiliated in that limited context. Never really cared. When I attended SMU the only way you could discern a religious connection was that classes were off on Good Friday.
  9. I mean, they've been irrelevant for 20 years, but Buffet suddenly cares this time around?
  10. Is this considered unusual? We played this all the time growing up.
  11. Like I said, Fuck Nebraska, what the problem is?
  12. This. If cronyism happened it was with the legislature. And for the record is fully compliant with the republican ethos of "I got mine" and "fuck your feelings."
  13. Recuse himself? He should fucking quit or be impeached!
  14. I'll eat it, might hate myself afterward, but it'll be tasty going down.
  15. Yup, if Uncle Clarence and Grampa Sam can get three of the other shit gibbons to join them, they won't declare absolute immunity, but say they aren't sure whether his acts were presidential or that of a candidate and remand for a 3 year trial. I don't see them getting there though, it should be a per curium "Nobody is absolutely immune, stop breaking the law asshole" but you know at least two will use the opportunity to kiss the ring in extensive dissents.
  16. This is the worst case scenario. No way they approve blanket and unlimited immunity. I can see an argument that they should weigh in on issues of great importance, but it’s also likely that 4 of the six shitstains took it for delay.
  17. Just more proof that the organization’s stench is the problem. Guys would rather be coddled by the owner than win fucking playoff games.
  18. LOL at those last two. There truly is no hope.
  19. It was a joke about a silly post, why so srs? And lol at US News smack. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/23/us/university-oklahoma-best-colleges-ranking?cid=ios_app
  20. I suggest not studying maths in Norman.
  21. "Specious" reasons? UT is "The Joneses," big dogs, a blueblood. Like the Cowboys, Yankees, Lakers, teams that people love, and others love to hate. That's like a fundamental aspect of big time sports.
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