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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. I watched it last night and it’s still great. I assume that opinion fits here.
  2. Man, I thought it was universal that you shouldn’t comment on peoples’ weigh unless they’re on a public weight loss journey or something. There are lots of reasons, the weight loss might be inadvertent and telling them they look good specifically because of weight loss means you noticed them being heavier before, something they might have never even entered their mind. Hell it’s happened to me, I was feeling self conscious having looked in the mirror a while back and feeling I had put on some pounds. Managed to drop a few and someone commented if I had lost some weight, basically confirmed my prior insecurities that people perceived me as heavier. Wouldn’t say I was “offended” but it was a shitty feeling in the moment. It’s different for women too who too often are valued by their looks over anything else. We’re better at that as a society but can always do better.
  3. Can someone with strong religious beliefs explain to me what people mean when they said they "spoke with God" or that "God spoke to them"? I've always assumed they mean they had a feeling and that "God spoke to me" is a turn of phrase like "I'm starving to death." Not meant literally, just a way to emphasis something that is felt very strongly in any given moment. But these days I'm starting to think people actually interpret their strong feelings as literal voices. Surely there aren't that many people with true psychological issues hearing voices in their head that they legitimately contribute to a literal God.
  4. Buncha racist white people have made it their mission to say this is racist against whites because they are angry they can't say the n-word anymore. It isn't about all white people but specifically dumb ignorant southern white people. It's also not about skin color in general its about sunburned necks from working the fields or whatever. It's an insult for sure but not based on race, and even if it is, I'm not going to rehash how its different than slurs against Black people and other historically mistreated minorities. I don't use it mixed company anymore because there's always "that guy" who pretends its the same as real racial slurs. Not worth my effort.
  5. Why are soccer specific stadiums (including in the US) usually built with covers over the stands but not football stadiums? I know there are a handful but nearly every one is completely opened or completely domed (including retractable domes which are closed 90% of the time).
  6. How much money has Dallas pumped into this stadium since the Jerryworld proposal was voted down? I lived in Dallas at the time and voted for it because the Dallas Cowboys should play in Dallas. They seem to come up with hundreds of millions every few years to keep one game when they could have paid a big chunk and gotten not only this game but the Cowboys and a bunch of big time events. Even more than go to Arlington because Arlington is a shithole.
  7. Might want to check for a brain tumor too after the idiotic game management decision she made v. Seattle.
  8. How's their football team?
  9. Fair point on the deli harassment, I chalk that up more to naïveté from dumb students than anti-Semetism. Way different ballpark from the tiki torch crowd.
  10. That one doesn't seem to be all that coy about it, talking about Job right off the bat.
  11. I don't even think it's anti-Semitism from the "leftists," its anti-Israel. Some of the youths may be too naive to really explain it in that manner or even truly think through the difference between religious Jews and the Israeli government. Show me "leftist" students doing the "Jews will Not Replace Us" chants, I doubt its out there. The rallies and "protests" I've seen usually are about waiving the Palestinian flag and are on the side of Palestinian liberation or self-governance. Show me "leftist" students with swastikas and arm bands, I've only ever seen that from the tiki torch khaki incels, i.e., right wing nuts (which constitute a majority of the party currently).
  12. It's a bullshit question and you know it. "Did you enjoy beating your wife last night, yes or no?" The question is meant to equate all support for Palestinians with calling for genocide of the Jews. Nobody is doing that in this context.
  13. Did he just aloo snackbar the halftime show?
  14. No, I've literally never heard that phrase used for any school, including ou. It's from barstool, who knows where they got that from, probably just made it up themselves.
  15. JFC, I'm starting to think you've never actually met an aggy, or an OSU grad for that matter. Aggy fucks aren't weird because they're an ag school. They are barely an ag school at all. Their weirdness knows no bound, and if anything, it's more about their fake army than anything agricultural. I met lots of aggy when I lived in Texas and they are their own class of weird. Like their brains don't function properly in mixed company. Try again weirdo. Also, I hear you know something about hooers and may have pics, we may be able to find some common ground on such a topic.
  16. Bless your heart. You must have lived in Chicago too long. Like you've completely forgotten your fanbase.
  17. An ou fan saying ag school fans are weirdos? My eyes don't roll back far enough to respond to something so absurdly stupid.
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