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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. We were on a 3 hr layover at Newark waiting on our flight to Oslo when my 3 year old broke the people mover in our terminal. He dropped one of those squishy toys that inflate in various parts when you squeeze other various parts. It looked like a cross between a squid and a jellyfish. It got caught in the return and literally gummed up the works. The terminal was pretty dead and we were the only people with young kids, so everyone knew we did it and we got all kinds of dirty looks as passengers trudged past us having to walk all the way to their gates. Then my 1.5 year old cried on the entire 6 hr flight to Oslo. To make matters worse, I headed to the airport bar and pounded two big steins of Harp in hopes of passing out and waking up refreshed in Oslo. I was simultaneously drunk, hungover, and sleep deprived for the next 6 hours. What were we talking about again?
  2. The Osterholm Update podcast last week (CIDRAP)was grim. Dr. Osterholm said in a couple of months we are going to look back and wish for the day with 120,000 cases and and only 1,600 daily deaths.
  3. I was very surprised at every turn: 2016 election night I went to bed early not being happy with either candidate, but figured the American people had enough sense to bite the bullet and elect Hillary. No. Upon reflection, I considered the 2016 campaign a fluke: inevitable turn to R after 8 years of D, Unenthusiastic democrats, last minute Comey thing, maybe a few votes from Russian influence, very close margin, D win of popular vote etc. It was not. The Trump insanity started from Day 1 in office, but I figured at some point along the way there would push back from the R side. there was not. I looked to the 2018 midterms as an opportunity for repudiation of the Trump game plan and while the house changed hands to stop the bleeding, it was far from the blue wave advertised. As the pandemic hit, there was a chance to have the unified federal response required and a opportunity to handle an exterior threat in somber and mature manner. Nope. 2020 election showed that despite everything, Trump was within 60,000 votes or so (if in the right places) from winning. At numerous junctions, individuals, organizations, the general public, and parties had the opportunity to neuter this era and we did not. I wake each day wondering how I will be surprised again by some new low or new inaction.
  4. I was raised as a hard ass catholic and remember marching at the capital for the unborn every January from Jr High -High school back in the early 80's. I didn't go on my own as I had to go because-parents. But I was nevertheless down with the idea of doing away with Row v. Wade. In college me and my ex had the choice to have a kid a out of wedlock. Even though I didn't legally have any say in the matter, I still felt good that it was a choice despite my feeling about abortion. My thoughts have changed on abortion as a matter of law, as I see no way given our constitution how the rights of the woman could be usurped by anyone +/- a few obvious restrictions. I also came to the conclusion that if the law were going to change it would have been done already and every conceivable obstacle to having a child would have been removed and that political positions on it were just being used as a wedge issue. Discarding abortion as political issue has freed me up to do the hard work (not so hard these days) of policy evaluation.
  5. It is indeed a mountain to overcome. Despite our our constant good natured cajoling of all things aggy, TAMU is in fact a descent higher education option. One would think that once you got past the hyper partisanship of sports, that Surly would be slightly left and texags would be slightly right relative to each other where politics is concerned especially considering the overwhelming white male (assumed) demographics of each site. Even if both sites were shifted farther apart one would still expect a certain give and take and some salty discourse and airing of supported opinion. That is not the case. The surl may be underrepresented on the right but texags is almost full on propaganda.
  6. Good day except middle son broke his collarbone. Might need surgery. He is sound asleep hopped up on pain killers. But other than that...
  7. To quote my business partner who is from Durango, Mexico, concerning an unrelated matter...."I don't give a fuck"
  8. Had a listen to KLBJ on the way into work this AM (NPR was off on some tangent about Mirnamar elections or something so I switched for the lulz) .and let me tell you those people are....
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