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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. I didn't really listen all that closely this time, but I was sure that Surly had flagged this guy as some anti mask guy from a couple of months ago. Apologizes if I am wrong. I'm a bit frazzled right now and probably should not be cluttering up the board with my off the cuff thoughts. Carry on.
  2. I thought this was the anti mask guy.
  3. These guys think: 1. Dastardly democrats rigged the election result to make my candidate lose. 2. "Deep State" organizations aided it 3. People I thought were on my side (Rs, courts, R state officials and bodies) were in on it. Every republican I have spoken with since election result became solidified, are at least at #1. Think about that. There is a separate reality going on here. There will be additional attempts at retribution from these people for years to come.
  4. Pretty freaky times. I had a conversation with Mrs. Jiggy-Z this morning about what might happen between now and the 20th and beyond. She was the instigator. What with the big hack, nut jobs shooting democrats, a coup, disruption of the electrical grid we put together a plan to get a generator from my office, bring my hunting rifle home (also from my office), stock up on supplies, and shore up the perimeter defenses of our rural "estate". Then, of course, we realized if shit really hit the fan, we were in no position to shoot anyone, do all of that extra work, and had no room for all of that extra food. So we just decided to get some more alcohol and hope for the best. Those end of times nuts must be really committed. Rifle is stored at work (self employed) to avoid any problems at home and I am a contractor so I have plenty of generators available.
  5. Its like these guys have never heard of overtime. They get paid time and one half, right?
  6. Sounds calculated and well thought out. Does not not compute.
  7. I was an auditor for many years and it was always worse than what I imagined. In fact many times, it was worse than my drunken wild speculation.
  8. ...I think we will almost get there eventually and I think it will be worse than what we had imagined.
  9. I spoke with a friend of mine who is up in DC and a lifelong democrat. His theory was that the House would move on a vote now but not send articles over to the senate until after 100 days, so as not to give Trump any more oxygen. During that time more conspiracy evidence would become available and provide enough proof to convict. I am not sure where he got this from or if it is already "out there" or if this even works that way. I was skeptical. Seems like these guys should do their damn jobs. I would be good to get the senate to go on record, but what other avenues are available if impeachment dies in the senate. Do it again later? Frustrating. ...meanwhile we have whatever mayhem is going to happen between now and 1/20 or beyond.
  10. My questions were answered by others on this board. I am informed on all of the info available on the news and was aware of and agree with all the info you posted. The "news" is good for a primer and a few headlines only , which is why I come here and why I sought a more in depth and specific answer or informed speculation. I did not seek any proof or evidence of which there is already plenty to implicate the "participants" and others including Trump and others on up and down the chain. You seem to think that I was somehow trying to minimize the impact of the actions of those involved by throwing some doubt as to their intentions and means and perhaps it came off that way to some, but obviously not all posters responded as you have. That was not my intention but I did realize at the time I wrote my original post that it might encounter some knee jerk responses.
  11. I just don't want to overstate the weaponry and I thought we could explore a few "what ifs". I realize, at this point, we don't have all of the minute details, but I really thought there would have been more conjecture about this on this board.
  12. Yes. I agree they needed nothing more than what you listed as things went. But what does this look like if the chambers were not cleared? I assume there would have been some armed security hanging around which would not have stopped a mob, but made things more complicated. I mean are we assuming that a some portion of these invaders had some sort of concealed hand gun?
  13. I am not on social media at all, except for the surl. I am aware of their objectives. I am just looking for confirmation of what weaponry they had and possibly some conjecture about how this might have gone down.
  14. No. I was asking a serious question. What does this look like if those nuts got there 5,10, 15 minutes before they actually did? And what weaponry did they actually have or we think they had?
  15. In the "just asking questions" realm of things: From what we have seen of the capital invaders thus far, how might these executions have gone down? I have seen pointy flags, zip ties, various sprays, and some other club like weapons. Additionally, I have heard some reports of long guns and concealed weapons. So what weapons do we actually know these guys had or have reasonable suspicion of them having? I mean we don't actually think they were going to be hung on the grounds, trampled to death, or beaten to death. Additionally we don't have any reports of Capital police being disarmed and their firearms being used for intimidation or other purposes. I want to be as correct as possible when having to explain this, so I need a little clarification on the means and the actual armament. Thanks.
  16. Sounds like a bunch of drunk frat boys singing Louie, Louie.
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