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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. "..in my mind she's still a lady, and that all I'm going to say.."
  2. What a week. Guess I'll go look at the steady daily Covid drip of 275,000 cases and 4,000 deaths to cheer myself up....or maybe just go have a beer instead.
  3. Yeah, I think so. I called my twin brother yesterday (our birthday). He tried to make out that the liberal media was over blowing a few devil may care prankster's lark through the capital. I had to set him straight that the capital bldg was looted, people died, and that bad intentions were involved. He just gave me the old well well, we just have different news sources bit and changed the subject. Real tough to establish any common ground these days.
  4. That would also have worked if it were Democrats harassing him. Talk about both sides.
  5. Seems like we could get a better picture these days. What is this, 1971.
  6. Although symbolically significant, there are multiple copies in the hands of various election bodies and the certificates could have easily been replaced, but perhaps not in time to complete the work on the night of the 6th. Js1 beat me to it, foiled again.
  7. I think there was an "open" intention that you mention above that was intended as a "look at the crazies" type of thing. Then there were those in the crowd that had organized, kept quiet, made secret plans (a la Michigan group), and intended to do actual trials and executions. Those that were serious traitors were probably not broadcasting their intent and used the march as a diversion.
  8. Came out wrong on the weight. Meant that I am about 30lbs less than that guy. His hair is better though.
  9. Just in case, if anybody wanted to know what I look like. This is me minus 30lbs with a little less facial hair. I am a little freaked out now. Also, it's my birthday.
  10. I think this is when Pence comes out of the closet wearing a simply stunning Vera Wang suit.
  11. Sadly, I think there will be no meaningful action taken between now and the 20th, which is of course the immediate concern, which is what we always seem to be dealing with, this putting out of fires while Trump & co have already moved on to the next lowest level of hell. We seemed to be surprised at each turn: No way he gets the nomination No way he wins the election No way he escapes Russia probe, impeachment etc. No way these yahoos are going to storm the capital No way he makes it to the 20th What else happens between now an the 20th and beyond?
  12. My family watched that a couple of years ago. My wife was an exchange student in Norway back in the 80's (Kristiansund) and then went back to study there in Oslo after that, so she is clued into all things Norwegian. That is an great vid, especially the snowy parts.
  13. There will never be another Bob Ross, but I think I found where Bob was reincarnated. There is a youtuber that goes by NDYakAngler who specializes in lake and river fishing in Minn, Wisc., and the Dakotas. Whenever I need a Bob Ross fix, I go watch this guy. He has more calming videos than the one I posted below, but you will get the idea. He gets most like Bob when he is after small mouth bass. Thank me later for a nice break from the dirty complicated world of politics.
  14. Phthalo blue, if you want it to be official Bob Ross.
  15. "The jew is using the black as muscle" - Blues Brothers 1980
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