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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. She knows about the incident from conversations over the years, but I am pretty sure she has forgotten about it. I didn't feel like rehashing it right before surgery and when I was going to be dependent on her loving and tender care for a few days. So, in her eyes, I 'm the guy who stood by his gal and raised a son under difficult circumstances, and not the college drunk dumb ass, I really am...er was.
  2. Shot: Sr. year (fall '88). 37 kamikaze's at the Gourdhead annual Kamikaze tag team competition. My tag team partner tapped out at around 20 and I finished the last 17 myself (so 27ish for me). Came in second place and work up in Brackenridge (the hospital not the the ski resort) the next morning(stomach pumped and general observation). Total bill was just under $380.00, which was about what tuition was back then. So today same stunt wound be $7,000ish using transitive property of tuition and medical care. Parents never found out. I want to say BAC was not too bad, something like .27 Chaser: Went in to get my knee scoped last month and Seton (system)still had my college address on my bio from that incident. Told my wife that that was from when my first son was born from when I knocked up my college gf. Double chaser: That first son was born about a month after my second place finish in Kamikaze contest . Good times. I do not drink vodka to this day.
  3. I thought those were ground blinds.
  4. Reminds me of what Jafar said in Aladdin II: "As a Genie, I can't kill you, but you would be surprised what you can live through"
  5. I was at Russell Gaskamp's wedding reception. I remember.
  6. Reaction after giving Trump his dose and seeing him naked.
  7. Sounds like someone needs a little "becharming". Get some and you life will be like a sea becalmed.
  8. This is where I am at with this. Although I have no proof, just like DT, my court record is a smooth .500 at 0-0.
  9. Now I know how my wife feels when I start talking about baitcasting reels.
  10. If I pay 20k for a purse it had better have tits.
  11. More like 2005 game when taken as a whole.
  12. ...yeah but they've never walked the streets of Bakersfield.
  13. I was in Brady, TX a few weeks ago on the way to go hunt, and the compliance I saw was about 50% including employees. The big Sunoco gas station just outside of Llano was just as bad or worse. My guess is that they have tightened up since then.
  14. I can remember even when my two youngest boys were 8 an 10, that they would linger on Mexican soap operas or t & a "game shows" when channel surfing. I always got a kick out of that.
  15. Csb: My first day of classes I was on the front page of the Daily Texan . 1/4 page photo and everything.
  16. My experience: Played trumpet well into my 30's, with some actual paid gigs in there. Was all state and and played in LHB in college. Oldest son is a professional trumpet player. I decided to pick up classical guitar at 49 because my two youngest were playing and I wanted to do that with them plus I liked the instrument. That was almost 5 years ago. For me it was very difficult, even though I started right away with lessons from a very good teacher. I had a blast and got pretty good. Eventually the pressure of a weekly lesson started to get to me and then I hurt my back and discontinued lessons about a year ago. I still play almost everyday, but I just play and don't really practice. Its hard to say if it was more difficult or not. One thing I do know for sure, is that back then you were pretty happy in general with how you were doing if you tried hard. I can't imagine doing that today with all the Youtubers out there showing you how shitty you are with their greatness. It would be pretty demoralizing.
  17. I have been healthier in terms of getting sick. In fact, somehow I was able to miss the flu last Jan-Feb when everyone in my household had it. However, despite my best efforts I have been gaining weight steadily. I can't blame it all on Covid as it started with a mild back injury last September when I weighed a mere 180lbs. I held steady at 190 up until October and then just ballooned to 200. Alcohol is the culprit, of course. My wife went for a walk with some friends a few weeks ago and they did a show of hands with who was drinking daily and it was all of them. The only varying factor was time of day said drinking started. good times.
  18. After a bit of internet sleuthing, I found a pic of the contractor responsible for maintenance: A strongly worded letter should do the trick.
  19. I believe The X Files also made an appearance at the dish. "Little Green Men" if I am not mistaken.
  20. Took a drive out to Menard area for deer hunting this weekend and can concur. I saw some really big signs on some of those ranch entrances. Not sure why all that shirt is still up. 9 pt buck btw.
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