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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. If it’s not in the regulations, it’s not cheating, it’s innovation. Yes - I am a Mercedes and Lewis fan, so I am all sorts of biased. [emoji16]
  2. He reminds me of a petulant little brother that wants to be Toto Wolf. Their rivalry is fun to watch.
  3. Lewis was wise to go really wide around Max. Max cutting back and forth was weak racing. Merc waited all year to open up the engines. Next three tracks favor Mercedes as well.
  4. Guy in Houston does the no needle procedure. Super easy a no pain.
  5. I mentioned FLES upthread. It ran this week from $1.40 or so to $1.85 today. The float on this is really low. It’s an online auto parts something or another. Anyway, From what I’ve seen it’s under valued.
  6. I’m in the opposite camp. We are in the one and done club. My kid is A LOT to handle. I was 33 when he was born. 10 years later and he’s still a lot do handle, but he’s also awesome. He was about three when my wife and I decided that we were happy with the family we had. It was a good decision.
  7. By OK, I mean he saved some animals instead of shooting them.
  8. It’s a whole house generator. I don’t think it’s going anywhere.
  9. Brazil is a great track. There have been some amazing races there. Look up Max in the rain there a few years ago. That was an unreal drive.
  10. Not really. Bottas has flashes of brilliance followed by average driving in a fast car.
  11. I’d pit Lewis for mediums right now.
  12. Troy Nehls is our Congressman and he’s fallen in line with Chip and other Trumpers. He was an OK Sheriff, but sucks shit as a Congressman.
  13. Seems like Africa was fine until the Europeans carved it up.
  14. Generator will be here around March… we will miss the winter storms, but will be ready for hurricane season
  15. “Stop with the progressive agenda and govern what you have: a split congress and country. Legislation should come from the center not the left. If you want the progressive agenda, campaign and get a mandate.” The GOP has jerked the center farther and farther to the right. Universal Healthcare, paid maternity leave, etc are all things that are considered center issues in other countries.
  16. Virginia had little to do with Biden. The Dem there was not liked by progressives. The Republican ran on bullshit CRT and scared all the pearl clutching white people into voting for him on that issue.
  17. The Delta variant and other variants are what pushed us to be more cautious with our son. The 18th can’t get here quick enough.
  18. I look at the people that genuinely need the child tax credit money. That is putting food on the table of family I have. I don’t care so much about big economics when people I know are able to better care for their family.
  19. Nope. I’m worried as well, as he doesn’t do great with any vaccine. That said - it’s one of the very small 1 in a million worries and I’m more concerned with him getting COVID and having long term effects.
  20. Got my 10 year old an appointment at Texas Childrens in the Houston Medical center on Nov 18. They are accepting appointments now.
  21. And the billionaires have somehow convinced people living pay check to pay check to defend them.
  22. Didn’t we already do Second life or Half Life or some other game thing?
  23. Let his employees own shares that reduces his stake down to $1 billion. There are options out there.
  24. Maybe the employees should own more of the means of production? ESOP companies exist now and can in the future. The pendulum has swung too far in favor of the very rich and powerful. Look at John Deere and their CEO getting a 180% raise and the workers being offered peanuts in their new contract.
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