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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. Hitting? Swinging yes. I would be telling him what I tell my LL team, don't swing until they throw you a strike. At least we get 1 more pitch on this asshole.
  2. Top of the order not doing shit is fun.
  3. I imagine there is a world where everyone else has him on ignore so he screams into the void and I don't have to see his quoted posts. He is not worth your time. Your first sentence summed it up.
  4. The downstream landowners can sue and will win. Just a question if they have enough money for the drawn out court case. One of you lawdogs should take the case!
  5. I came here to post about the Rangers fan in the other thread posting the same shit about them and how it is bad fucking juju...then I read this post. Quit fucking with the baseball gods. One game at a time.
  6. You have issues you need to deal with immediately. We need proof of life for your mom that you live with, ok jame gumb? I missed the game bc I was coaching LL but my youngest was giving me the play by play and it sure was awkward when I was cheering the Astro bombs when we got struckout in the LL game. Pretty sure I pissed off the other coaches but idgaf. Let's go fuck the aggy rangers up. FUCKING SEVEN! BANG ON THAT COCKSUKERS!
  7. Am I doing the math wrong here or what? Annuity would be $85m a year Lump sum $756m. I would bet 99% of folks would be smarter to take the annuity. If you managed it perfectly (didnt spend like a drunken sailor) and the economy stayed rock solid, it is believable you could turn it into 1.7b in 20 years, but why take that risk?
  8. A bit genocidal but I'll allow it considering what just happened. I do hope she dials it back to killing all the baddies as opposed to millions of civilians.
  9. Nice try cop would have been a great response as well.
  10. Funny how it works. I need some of you fuckers to come to my kids tournament this weekend. They could use a shot in the arm.
  11. I got shot down by the wife. We already have 2 dogs and an asshole cat that showed up a few years ago. "We dont need more animals." I disagree but it ain't worth the fight. That is a beautiful girl.
  12. Cooler than the other side of the pillow. Love it.
  13. I was clenching but I have covid and I hate to admit I think a little got out. Whew.
  14. 3 doubles? Is that good? Did he break it?
  15. You need to step your game up! That post is rookie level hate. We almost had a problem there.
  16. That was a good pitch. The shadows got him!
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