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Dr Fear

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Everything posted by Dr Fear

  1. XBOX.com has them right now https://www.xbox.com/en-us/configure/8wj714n3rbtl?ranMID=24542&ranEAID=TnL5HPStwNw&ranSiteID=TnL5HPStwNw-ezf2TYPxRVIgWX.3aRu86w&epi=TnL5HPStwNw-ezf2TYPxRVIgWX.3aRu86w&irgwc=1&OCID=AID2000142_aff_7593_1243925&tduid=(ir__rgynsocuhwkfqhzgkk0sohzgcv2xps6equwpqgum00)(7593)(1243925)(TnL5HPStwNw-ezf2TYPxRVIgWX.3aRu86w)()&irclickid=_rgynsocuhwkfqhzgkk0sohzgcv2xps6equwpqgum00
  2. 50-1 to win the division... SMH.
  3. Where abouts? My in-laws lost power in San Augustine for a few days.
  4. That was in 2017, two weeks after the Falcons/Patriots game had heavy fog and NBC was forced to use that angle because it was the only way to see anything. It got positive reception and they used it a bunch during that Raiders game. You still see it occasionally.
  5. What do we think I could get for my old One X ? Sell it on Craigslist?
  6. This just worked! BB, estimated store pickup on Thursday.
  7. In the meantime, if you really hate yourself, you can watch GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra right now on HBO Max!
  8. There has been some sort of activity at VIPs, several trucks there and a dumpster out back the last few weeks.
  9. I just set this up, thanks for the tip lol. Will report back.
  10. The old Mr. Gatti's spot new to Wolrd of Beer just became a prime restaurant location.
  11. If you couldn't guess already, it is written and directed by a Westworld writer, production company is Syncopy (Christopher Nolan).
  12. And you can repel ninja attacks on you house with that Sai!
  13. Facinating. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Woodpecker-Wood-Ware-Handled-Cutting-Board/202874714247?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=202874714247&targetid=1068323857870&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9027253&campaignid=10455986818&mkgroupid=104612009500&rlsatarget=pla-1068323857870&abcId=2146002&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQiApsiBBhCKARIsAN8o_4jHhVktZd_tL_h5agJH2ppgWXlQEfWwQ0zXjh_hgk6Hy5ypMHLUn3YaAqsvEALw_wcB&pageci=4b752ae9-82f1-450f-bba2-480a43a09efb
  14. Anyone make it out to the Ballpark today? We are going tomorrow.
  15. Wentz 2022 salary guarantees in March, so the Colts essentially have him at $48 million over two years, after which they can release him with no dead cap.
  16. 76107, power's been out since 230ish, came back on briefly around 330, both nothing since.
  17. Judas Rocking Preist, I had no idea Sealab was on there!
  18. And here's a couple pics of why Varsity is chillin' for a month. Spoiler Forget Covid, how are they even in compliance with fire/occupancy code? Lol
  19. They have been showing it on Saturday in the pre-season schedule the last few years because they don't have a long term tv contract to have that game at a specific day/time anymore. It will get picked up and moved to Friday at some point.
  20. WARNING: This gets very graphic around the 1 min mark https://www.facebook.com/100003153511071/videos/3697401897041558/
  21. They had not had fans at any of the games up until Monday when they let in 1,500 vaccinated health workers.
  22. Where are we with letting exterior faucets drip? I got one I had installed a few years back, pipe runs underground from the house out to the side of an heated exterior garage and then the pipe goes up out of the ground about two feet. I already have the exposed pipe wrapped with the foam stuff, and have been using a standard cover with towels so it fits flush against the garage. Up in Fort Worth. I think the ones on the house should be good with covers and letting the inside sinks drip.
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