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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. You also use a plea to the jurisdiction because it’s denial (whether called a plea or MSJ) gets you an interlocutory appeal with a stay of all proceedings. Not sure you get that with a 91a.
  2. This lawsuit is going to run head first into governmental immunity.
  3. Yours back off yet? Memorial and Wilcrest came on about the same time and crapped out at 9:30.
  4. The fucking power has been out seven hours and my pool heater won’t work without the pump. It must be down to 95 now.
  5. Only other shot I took. Taste was fantastic. Not as stark in an a5 wagyu steak vs prime but that’s to be expected. I should have known this but the things hemorrhaged volume as the fat melted. Turned out smaller and swimming in fat after a couple of minutes per side. 35 bucks per pound on Crowd Cow was expensive but not shaggy 1% for a go. And the a5 I’ve bought on Crowd Cow and Wagyu Shop has been legit. They come with certificates (and, yes, I know those could well be shit as well but the quality has matched) and the marbling has been spot on with a5 pics from restaurants.
  6. This is what it looks like.
  7. I’m going to cook them on cast iron rather than risk losing them to the coals. I’ll take pics and report back.
  8. Got some a5 wagyu ground beef from Crowd Cow. I want to make burgers but I’m thinking it’s not really going to hold together given it’s 40-50% fat. The only thing I can figure to do is mix it with about 25% lean ground beef and hope for the best. Has anyone done this before or have any thoughts?
  9. The 1970s and earlier had nothing on par with Big Baller Brand and the Ball brothers.
  10. I got a text this morning that they had a bunch of Moderna they needed to get in arms today in Houston so appointments were open to everyone. I registered at noon and was injected at 12:30, all drive-through, no lines. You did have to have an appointment and, unfortunately, the web site is now down, which I take to mean the slots are all filled. It was through https://www.cureminder.com/ if something like this pops up again.
  11. Fuck Anwar. What a tool, whatever bullshit excuse he tries to pull.
  12. You think professional athletes are going to take a pay cut to follow a QB to a team because, in part, they 7-9 two years ago? Sounds like a no-brainer.
  13. I got a west Houston lacrosse draft sheet with Shea Morenz jr. on it.
  14. It means they’ve settled and the language is intended to ensure neither party later tries to renege on the settlement. Lawyer words.
  15. Online at Wagyushop or Crowd Cow. I’ve been happy with both.
  16. I get one of those from time to time and am pondering the brisket. Here’s a Hokkaido strip, complete with certificate from Japan.
  17. Kobe beef is from Kobe. There’s A5 from other parts of Japan that’s really good. Here what I am thinking: https://www.crowdcow.com/products/a5-wagyu-trimmed-brisket-flat?filter%5Bbid_item%5D=ilousbhm3qj&filter%5Bfarms%5D%5B%5D=f88854b50
  18. I’ve been tempted to splurge on a Japanese a5 flat, because it sounds awesome In theory, but I have no idea if wagyu quality in taste translates to a flat and/or if low and slow cooking will negate the marbling flavor found in a ribeye or strip cut. Flats are (as you would expect) much cheaper than steak cuts but still pricey. Opinions?
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