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pepper brooks

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Everything posted by pepper brooks

  1. ok. fair enough. In going to the next step, there is not one shred of evidence to prove her evidence occurred, nor one shred of evidence that can be put up as a way to "disprove" her evidence, i.e. nothing tangible that can be put up in order to provide an alibi. However, Kavanaugh does have evidence that says her story didn't happen. Basically, it is he said - 3, she said - 1. With no further evidence that can corroborate her story, it's pretty hard to believe this is anything more than an attempt to delay the SC being stacked against the left for a good while. If you start from a place of innocent until proven otherwise, this story is nothing but a political stunt. The fall out may be we have discovered Kavanaugh may lack the ability to make good decisions under pressure, and perhaps that disqualifies him. Further, I wouldn't support a guy for SC who has perjured himself. I also wouldn't support a president sworn to uphold the laws of the land who has perjured himself, but I know a damn good number of those bringing up perjury in this thread do not feel the same. and we know house democrats certainly do not think perjury is a big deal when it comes to lying about being a sexual predator.
  2. find someone who has "led an exemplary" life by an opposing party's political standards. Your search will be a long and tedious one. No one is perfect. By most counts Kavanaugh has led a pretty decent life, and has been a success in his profession where you agree with his ideology or not.
  3. this whole thing is frankly embarrassing on so many levels. I really don't give a damn about Kavanaugh one way or another. I do care about principles here, and while I understand this is NOT a trial, everyone seems to be using that as an excuse to set aside logic so they can cheer their "party", and "prove" their side is right. It may not be a criminal trial, which if an actual sexual assault took place as claimed, why is a criminal trial not in the making? Go ahead and answer that. Moving on from there, in almost any situation where there is a "he said, she said" scenario it is impossible to not analyze the evidence and determine "innocence" or "guilt" based on the evidence. I learned many years ago as I was the foreman on a jury trial where I saw a prosecutor try and railroad a young woman into 2-25 years in the pen for an alleged armed robbery, that the only thing you should ever assume in any situation is the accused is 100% innocent until proven otherwise. I try and carry that as a guide always. Given that, and given the "evidence", such that it is, there is simply zero evidence here that this event took place other than she says it happened. One huge issue I see here is she cannot even given enough details in order for Kavanaugh to mount any sort of defense. She cannot give even a reasonable range of dates in order for him to provide an alibi. She cannot find one person who can speak to her account of what happened, but there are numerous people who can say they have no recollection that it did happen. Whether Kavanaugh is a sexual predator or not cannot be proven in any way whatsoever in this situation. There certainly is no further history of him acting inappropriately towards woman throughout his career that we know of at this point, no pattern of behavior that might bolster her claim. Simply put, what we know about her allegations is there is no clear story that would meet even a minimal hurdle for anyone except die hard partisans as far as believability. If you have watched this testimony, read the details, and come away from this thinking Kavanaugh is some sort of sexual predator, deviant, and therefore unfit for an SC seat, you're simply a partisan hack who isn't thinking clearly. If some other details emerge I am all for investigating this further, and would support criminal proceedings if evidence can be provided this event happened as she seems to believe it did. Now, if you want to look at his judicial record and professional career and say you do not agree with his rulings that clearly side on the conservative side, and you hope he isn't confirmed based on your ideology, fine. There still seems to be little question the man is qualified professionally whether you like him or not. Dr. Ford's testimony simply doesn't add up to the man being unqualified, but I understand ideologues not wanting him on the bench. I don't understand their willingness to die on the cross for Dr. Ford based on her story. At least Anita Hill made up some intricate details about pubic hair on her soda lid.
  4. Mack Brown curse is serious bidness on the Nebraska program.
  5. I've met hanna storm and she's awesome. That's all I have to say about that.
  6. have a buddy who has a window treatment/blinds store. They got a call claiming their store and business was racist for selling "plantation shutters". True story.
  7. I will vote for that. In fact, I will say many of our problems would be solved if we raised the minimum age for eligibility to about 57, put in term limits of 2 terms regardless of office, and make pay nothing more than the cost of travel, lodging and a food stipend, and make all campaign donations come from taxpayer funds, and all candidates get the same amount. Let's see who wants to run and hold office as public service and give back, and let's weed out the ones trying to make a career and a means to get wealthy from their office.
  8. that might work in a solvent state, but that isn't Illinois. Paying more in Illinois means sacrificing somewhere else. That was kinda my first point. By no means am I one to advocate teachers make less. Quite the opposite, but like most things I am quite tired of simply throwing more taxpayer money at everything and seeing no improvement in results.
  9. that's awesome. I had a 1989 oxford white mustang gt in high school. traded it for a light titanium clearcoat metallic (silver) a year later (1990) because they put airbags in them. Mine got stolen and stripped to the frame in Houston circa 1996 ish. I often wonder if the white one is still alive, and how I could find it. would love to buy that thing back too.
  10. Social Distortion at White Oak was really badass. If you get a shot, check them out while they're out on the road. Haven't lost much on their fastball.
  11. I will be glad when the whole "fried egg" on everything fad dies. it is the new "truffle oil" of the culinary world. I like fired eggs and truffle oil, but it's become such a cliché to put either of those on damn near everything these days.
  12. mike is definitely an a-hole. CNN should try and be a real news organization and do in-depth hit pieces like this on every candidate running for national office.
  13. nobody is getting paid 9K to teach a full year at a public school in Illinois. that's just a headline to spark faux outrage. Let the market set the minimum. At some point governments and constituents are going to have to realize they need to figure out what is most important and necessary in the allocation of tax dollars. I would argue education, nutrition and care of children is absolutely the most important thing at the local and state level. Care for the elderly would probably be a close second, but if we get the care and education of the children right they hopefully find success in the world and need less help/care as elderly people. That said, if teachers do not like the wages paid in Illinois they should consider using the market to move to a place with better wages. Illinois will eventually have a supply shortage of teachers, and wages will have to increase in order to meet demand. This isn't a complex problem. It gets complex when feelings are mixed with market forces.
  14. How’s the suspension on it? Haven’t driven one of those in a while. Last time i drove one it was badass as long as going straight. Get a bend and it still demanded it go straight. That was some time ago, and it was a different set up.
  15. I felt like the last two episodes have been outstanding. the pieces are coming together nicely, and it's getting really fun to watch.
  16. it's not a popular thought because it is completely untrue. Yes, she was "qualified" in that she had held government jobs. That said, he work product was an absolute failure making her completely unelectable to anyone who valued being good at performing the jobs where one gained their experience/qualifications. It also didn't help that she's an extremely unlikeable, narcissistic c*nt. Guess she and Trump were at a stalemate, or cancelled each other out on that front. As for Rand, hes a despicable politician who has been corrupted and fallen into the Washington trap that all the rest of them fall into. He's nothing more than an establishment cancer at this point.
  17. Best score was a 78 at lookout mountain country club in Tennessee Best score at a historic venue is 83 at pebble Best overall round i ever played was a 92 at spy glass. I hit 13/14 fairways hitting the ball long, but was still having to hit 3,4,5 iron into those damn tiny ass elevated greens and then chip and putt. That course was set up for the tourney so it was brutal. two weeks later Michelson shot 62 there and confirmed how much i suck a golf Shot 88 at the old course at St. Andrews which was solid given the wind and rain and shit going on that day
  18. that is full on badass right there. let us know how you like it, and get more pictures.
  19. that's good bait. Let's see how many you catch.
  20. yep. drive them, and drive them hard and they're some of the best, most reliable cars on the road. Put them in the garage and they get very cranky in a hurry.
  21. took my 10 year old down to a spot in Lytle just south of san Antonio. We had access to a huge field of sunflowers. The sheer volume of birds was absolutely argentina levels. Kiddo shot about 400 rounds, and hit 13 birds. Not bad considering he'd never shot a shotgun, nor ever fired at a moving target ever. Everyone else easily limited out. I hadn't been bird hunting in so long I had forgotten how fun it was. Can't wait to go back. I need to get a new gun for me and the kiddo.
  22. plant sunflowers out there. if you build it they will come.
  23. Last nights episode was probably my favorite of the series so far. it had the most overlap, and run into BB. Amazing how much that episode moved things along yet had very limited exposure on the Gus side of the equation. The engineering/lab feasibility scenes were fantastic. JImmy is almost there to Saul. I was hoping that at the end of this episode we'd get a 9 months of saul in the cell phone store montage, and next episode he'd be back in the law game full speed to Saul. I kept thinking he was going to sell Jessie or Wendy a phone at the dog stand.
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