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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. I may be a bit of a grammar Nazi, but I never thought I’d see a time stamp Nazi.
  2. My daughter’s middle school had to can some middle-age PE teacher because he was having classes dedicated solely to stretching. Shorts mandatory, no sweats/leggings/whatever allowed.
  3. And they banned the teeter-totter…
  4. I’ve barely watched ESPN the past 6-7 years… except when they are the only option for a game I really want to watch.
  5. There isn’t a Mama Can Take A Fucking Punch thread.
  6. The worse things get, the even worse they really are. We all know that there are countless shoplifters, etc. who aren’t even reported because people either know nothing will happen or retaliation will happen. That’s one reason why property crimes may fall while murders go up.
  7. He was a top 50 player after his junior year and still top 100 heading into his senior season. He fell during the first half of that senior season. He finished strong, but his ranking never really recovered.
  8. When our KRs break lose in a real game, they will drop the ball 10 yards shy of the goal line because of muscle memory.
  9. So donors have to die so new donors can start making money? Besides, we were told that the Silicon Valley billionaires from Cal and Stanford don’t care about college sports. Why would we assume new UT billionaires (and new Austin billionaires who have no connection to UT) would be any different?
  10. I (and you) would have to eat a full cup of ground crickets to get the protein of a 6 oz sirloin steak. How many dried crickets would it take to make one ground cup? I’m sure hundreds I will not eat zee bugs, Klaus.
  11. What if I suggested a 70 yard practice field and a Morton Steel Building indoor facility? I could also suggest a field that is only about 40 yards wide so it would be proportional to the shorter field. Oh, that’s already been suggested?
  12. We could tear down the Rec Center and build a combined facility on that footprint…with a full size field. Another brilliant idea I had came from a photo I saw of a hotel(?) somewhere that was constructed over a highway. I wonder if a new indoor facility could be built 90 degrees to the bubble and over Red River. That would leave plenty of room for a full size outdoor field. I’m not in Austin these days, so I’m sure there are logistical issues I’m not aware exist. Fire away. I can take it.
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