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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. Just finished Green Lights. Talk about a beating (and I’ve always liked McConaughey). I’m on to this next…
  2. Everyone needs to sit down for this one. I mean it. Sit down. It gets real at 00:40.
  3. You want to be traumatized by 1989, try reliving the Texas Longhorns recruiting video.
  4. Yeah, that Nebraska guy was a real asshole, too.
  5. Tom Herman vs John Mackovic vs Steve Peterson Not sure who’s the biggest asshole, but Tom Herman definitely trails the other two. Tom’s obvious character flaws were magnified by his social awkwardness. The other two were just pure, unadulterated assholes.
  6. Anybody want to bake a goat-themed cake for Easter?
  7. Fuck bed bugs. We brought some home a few years ago (decent hotel). Pain in the ass to get rid of, but fortunately, they were contained to one room in our house. Made me want to start pulling a camper everywhere, no matter the circumstances. We now wash everything from our suitcases as soon as we get home, including the washable tote bags we use instead of suitcases. If we have to use suitcases, they get sealed in a garbage bag for weeks (usually months) until they are used again. It was a borderline traumatizing first world ordeal.
  8. Damn, AB. It’s like we were in the same conversations years ago.
  9. I just finished fixing the bottom drawer on my wife’s side of the bathroom vanity, and after 20 minutes on the stone tile floor, my knees were screaming at me to get up, but they wouldn’t let me. My left shoulder was next to the sink, but that’s my bad shoulder, so I had to spin around and push/pull myself up. I’m whimpering cuss words like a pathetic child. I should have folded a towel as a makeshift cushion to kneel on.
  10. Yeah, that guy must’ve been on IR.
  11. A few years ago, I posted about watching a major cricket match/game that was playing on a tv at an Indian restaurant and concluding that none of them could play NAIA baseball. That did not go over well on this site.
  12. This sauce made in Golden, CO is good on tacos and eggs.
  13. It’s hard to respect Liam Neeson/Bryan Mills when we can neither get his real name right nor remember his character’s name.
  14. John Wick with a fucking pencil.
  15. They’re right. I’ve lost several over the years (I’ve planted almost 100 trees, and well over 100 bushes). I maintain 4” minimum of mulch water them right before I leave for a few days. The trees in my yard can survive another week off the sprinklers. I use a hose timer valve if I’m gone longer. My RainBird timer went haywire and stopped working. That cost me two apple trees. I bought a Nelson timer that hasn’t failed yet. As for the small orchard I planted at the cabin, it’s too far for a hose. My daughter (no pics) will go out there and dump a few gallons on each tree every few days when I’m gone. Most of the trees are almost 3 years old. I’m almost out of the woods. I’ve had problems with lilacs planted at the back of our yard at home. I installed a drip line, but a few died. I cut 6” off the top of the plastic pots and buried them about 1.5” deep around the new plants to direct the water directly down into the root zone. The drip lines do the rest. So far so good. As mentioned, my wife thinks I’m abnormally obsessed with these plants. I remind her that they will live a lot longer than I will. My grandpa planted 8 apple trees in the 60s, and they are still producing today without any tending by him (he died in ‘79).
  16. I have similar thoughts about men over 30 wearing hoodies. Everyone chill, I’m not talking about zip up hoodies.
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