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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. My daughter and her friend (no pics) were walking her dog in her new neighborhood recently, and a young male pit bull ran across 4 lanes of traffic and started to attack her dog. She ended up falling backwards on a small slope while pulling her dog away. The pit heard it’s owner whistling outside the back door and ran back across the street, almost getting hit by cars. She was fucking lucky the dog was young and fixed. I practically had to force her fiancé to go talk to that neighbor, with or without my daughter. The owner had just moved in, and he didn’t even realize what had transpired. Her fiancé said the owner was very apologetic, so I guess that made it A-okay. I kept telling her to file a police report so they would at least have something on record in case this dog (or the owner) are involved in another incident in the future. She didn’t want to, so I asked her if she would file a report if the homeowner’s son ran across the street to attack them. She finally agreed to file a report, but that might have been to shut me up because she’s a “dog lover” and didn't want to get someone in trouble for what their dog didn’t finish doing. I always root for cars vs pit bulls.
  2. I guess that has to be done in person, and it’s just a plain vanilla ticket.
  3. At first I think I know what you’re saying, then I don’t.
  4. Pronghorn are surprisingly tasty, considering what they have to eat. You might not have to add sage to your breakfast sausage.
  5. Meant to quote this. We don’t have them in SD, but we’ll probably get the Canadian Super Pigs someday.
  6. This poorly written article might explain why the distribution maps of feral hogs show an area in north central North Dakota. Thanks for the brilliant idea, Canada. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/20/us-threat-canada-super-pig-boar?CMP=share_btn_tw
  7. Subcontract the natural turf to an ag school. Anybody know of one?
  8. Raquel was 5’6” while Tina was 5’8-1/2”. The way God put Raquel together made her look taller than she was. Otherwise, your assessment is spot on. She would have been Ginger, only not a ginger. And there would be no debate about Ginger vs Mary Ann.
  9. Any fan watching tv who tunes in at kickoff deserves a 3-1/2 to 4 hours game. Set the DVR and start watching 1-1/2 hours after kickoff. If you don’t watch the halftime b.s., you will be caught up to live tv by the end of 3Q. I know this isn’t optimal if you have friends over for a game watching party, but it’s great if you don’t.
  10. No one ever forgets a phone or has a battery die (to add to what Surly Bevo said earlier). And I was the lucky one to have my account hacked and have my etickets stolen. It’s a long, long story, but Bellmont was so concerned that I (a 35 year season ticket holder) was the real scammer that they made me file a police report as part of the multi-day process of getting my etickets restored… just in time for the first game. Yeah, we’re just a number to them.
  11. And some people liked to save them as souvenirs to slide under the glass bar top or framed in a collage in their game room at home. At least that’s what I heard, gotdammit.
  12. My daughter showed me a pic of Miss Gymnast cozying up to Andrew Beck at some B12 student-athlete retreat. If you can find that one, feel free to post.
  13. Iowa State breakfast, compliments of my daughter’s best friend who was a gymnast at ISU: Scrambled eggs with cheese, toast (sourdough this time), peanut butter (crunchy), and hot sauce (Valentina’s this time). I tried a bite. It was surprisingly bland, even with more Valentina’s. I managed not to gag.
  14. I guess my definition of hanging out is different than Tommy’s.
  15. Typical. The guy has to lay there like a damn corpse. Been there.
  16. There’s a reason I volunteer to do the laundry… to make sure the extra rinse option is implemented.
  17. Please tell me I’m too tired to see that this is fake.
  18. This is why Mahomes wears that goofy, oversized helmet.
  19. What do people expect? Trains weren’t even invented yet.
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