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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. Holy shit, this world is full of dumb asses.
  2. This page has turned into tiny guys winning fights.
  3. 30%, but I had problems with the wording more than a few Qs. Asking “is” instead of “should” is just one example. Maybe I think it is, but shouldn’t, or vice versa. There were several Qs that were absolute statements which are easy to overthink. I ended up giving a lot of single thumb answers I retook it and gave the neutral thumb to each Q, and this is what I got. Anybody surprised?
  4. My kids would probably post that on social media.
  5. I just finished replacing all the hardware on one of our toilets, and I found myself fantasizing on the toilet aisle of the hardware store, fantasizing about getting taller toilets so my knees will stop crackling those last two inches when I sit on our standard shitters.
  6. That could be my wrist. I was working for a warehouse grocery in SA owned by Handy Andy in 78 or 79 when I fell off some steel shelving. I broke and displaced one of those bones, but they sent me to the company quack who said it was only a slight sprain. It bothered me for about 25 years until one day I realized it didn’t really bother me anymore. Maybe it was just other things hurting more. I say give it another year or three. Lol I don’t have arthritis in that wrist, but there is a weird soft spot/indentation on my wrist where a bone should be.
  7. My mom always liked her steaks well done. She claimed it was because she ate chicken once that was still pink and bloody around the bone and ever since then she had an aversion to any meats that had any hint of blood. I can’t count the number of steaks she sent back to the grill for a few more minutes. My dad, OTOH, liked his steaks medium rare, but as he got older (around age 75), he liked them done a bit more. The last steak I cooked him was almost medium, and he thought that was the only way steaks should be served. He lived to 90, so I’d guess he would’ve been a medium well guy by 95.
  8. And this is how a hate crime starts.
  9. Had a cab driver in SF about 10 years ago who was very curious about where we were from. Admitted that he always liked to ask people about that because he was thinking about getting out even though he had lived there his entire life. Didn’t like where things were heading. Almost 40 years ago, my wife and I went out with my sister and her friend who was from a prominent SF family, prominent enough that she was given police protection when the SLA kidnapped Patty Hearst. She was not liking where the city was heading, and things weren’t even that bad in the mid-80s. She was just old enough to notice the changes that started in the late 60s. I know you can always find people who say who lament about the way things are going in their city/state/country, but I still wonder if either of them are still there.
  10. I haven’t heard from my LHF “concierge” rep since Patterson was AD.
  11. UT websites have always sucked, just in different ways. I’ve purchased tickets and made donations on other schools’ websites, and every single one of them worked like a charm. This includes D2 and NAIA schools. I think it’s because they all use templates to create their websites, while UT is in the Silicon Hills, which means they have to create their own (or manipulate it to hell).
  12. The King Ranch isn’t fictional, is it?
  13. If there is anything more pitiful than a grown man wearing a jersey with another man’s name on it, this would be it…
  14. My wife tore off her driver’s side mirror backing out of the garage. Next, she hit the garage door backing out because she didn’t wait for the door to finish opening. For months, it made a loud pop as it shut. I tried minor repairs (new hinge and strut), but those didn’t help. Then, she hit the door entering the garage (couldn’t wait an extra second for the opener to do its magic), but that somehow fixed the popping noise. Perhaps I should say, “She fixed it.” Finally (probably not), I get a call when I’m out of town that she backed into the garage door again because she forgot it was still closed. She thought it must be okay, so she tried opening it. It got stuck about 18” up because it was off the track on one side. It wouldn’t close, so she pulled the release cord and it fell back down. She said it was ready for me to fix when I got back home, but I reminded her that her car would be stranded in the garage for a few days. I told her to ask our next door neighbor to take a look at it since he’s a home builder. He got it back on track and working. She ran off with him.
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