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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. Coaches are generally way too conservative with the ‘take the points’ stuff, but you still need a kicker, for end of game situations if nothing else. You are going to be in situations where to are tied or down by 3 or less with one drive left. Huge difference in only having to go 35 yards in 1 minute with no timeouts to set up a reasonable chance for a good kicker vs. having to go 55 for a chip shot. Or worse, needing a td.
  2. My expectations are at an all time low going into this season, but it’s kind of freeing in a way. If we get out of our non-conference schedule at 2-1 and manage to look solid while doing it I’m sure I’ll start to get my hopes up again. If we’re 1-2 or a 2-1 full of red flags about what’s to come, then whatever, I’m least I’m ready for it this time. My main goal is to enjoy every Bijan carry we get. He’s a special player, and watching him run is fun as hell. Not going to take that for granted if, by October, the talk turns into if we should hire Traylor, Saban, or Bill Belichick.
  3. I just can’t believe this guy is almost 50 years old
  4. The only thing that can save this thread is if the social media team releases the clip of Bijan’s one handed catch that the 9.95ers keep referencing. Well, not save it but at least it may distract us for a half of a page or so.
  5. I don’t want to derail YGIFS discussion and this might not be the right place for this, but I’ve lurked on this thread enough to think y’all may have some helpful takes and I have a lot of respect for the regular posters on this thread. I’ll spoiler because it’s long, feel free to skip it:
  6. Yeah…that’s fair. Those early rankings can be sort of sticky in my memory and I don’t really remember the later slides. Guess he’s not that unique. Grant Gunnel. Preston Stone potentially.
  7. Just looked up his career stats. 35 career attempts, 1 career td (2 rushing). Amazing, I can’t think of another high profile recruit that couldn’t even get on the field even after multiple transfers.
  8. Nah. even when we’re trash, we own Nebraska
  9. No cloak room, but when I clicked on his profile (to see who the fuck this guy is) I saw my uncle follows him. And my uncle is lunatic.
  10. Pretty sure Evan Neal started at Bama as a true freshman. He was rated a little higher than Banks but still, it happens.
  11. No exclamation mark. He’s pissed
  12. Deserves got nothin to do with it/Eastwood You obviously play the general talent and don’t look back
  13. Agree except change Williams, not Campbell at RT. Sounds like that may happen pretty soon too.
  14. Using that logic, nobody on our roster has played football for an entire year. No wonder we suck, the whole team is rusty! Seems unfair.
  15. He missed some games, but he finished the season (played in the state title game).
  16. I keep seeing people say this. It’s 1 year. He played his junior year at SLC, then enrolled at OSU and held a clipboard. 1 year without playing a competitive snap, just like Card last year when he started game 1 as a RS Freshman
  17. Well, we had a true freshman qb who started week 1 not that long ago.
  18. This is a pretty outdated Big 12 take.
  19. This is aggy as hell. The cognitive dissonance required to state and believe this paragraph is staggering (and I’m actually optimistic defense will be better than last season).
  20. What do the guys on 4Chan say?
  21. I’m not pushing that narrative at all. Cain may end up being every bit of the college WR that Neyor is. Tell me more about the developmental timeline of Cain that has him go from player who can’t see the field on a WR desperate team to a 1:1 replacement for a guy who scored double digit touchdowns in 8 months. Right now, in August of 2022, Cain isn’t anywhere close to the player that Neyor is and that shouldn’t be a controversial statement. Anyone trying to say that he might be is either full of shit or trying to sell you something.
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